Aditi, Aayansh, and Rudra

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Aditi found herself in a whirlwind of conflicting emotions towards Rudra. Initially hurt and angered by Rudra's harsh words, his heartfelt apology somehow melted away her resentment, leading her to forgive him with unexpected ease. Yet, the sense of peace and solace she discovered within his embrace was unprecedented. In his arms, she experienced an unusual warmth and a rare feeling of security, something she hadn't encountered before.

Despite this newfound sense of comfort, Aditi grappled with an inner conflict. The desire to rely on Rudra, to trust and depend on him, resurfaced within her. However, intertwined with these emotions was an underlying fear-an uncertainty that made her hesitant to fully surrender herself to this vulnerable state once again.

Rudra entered the dimly lit warehouse, finding his brothers and Gautam already present. A man was tied to a chair, visibly beaten by Rudra's security team. Seated opposite the captive, Rudra's gaze pierced through the disheveled figure of the captive. "Has he spoken?" he inquired, his voice a low growl laced with simmering rage.

Ram, Rudra's trusted security chief, stepped forward, No, sir, But we found this." detailing the man's presence near the palace for the past few days, a collection of incriminating evidence meticulously detailed diary outlining the daily lives of Rudra, Aditi, and Aayansh. As Ram handed over the incriminating photographs, depicting intimate moments between Aditi, Aayansh, and Rudra rage surged within Rudra. His veins bulged as he struggled to contain his fury upon witnessing the invasion of their privacy.

His brothers and Gautam saw the evidence with clenched jaws while Aarav's rage ignited, In a fit of fury, aarav and dhruv lashed out, landing a forceful blows on the captive's face. Interrupting the onslaught, Rudra called Aarav and Dhruv back, his voice steely with determination. "Name the one behind this, and perhaps your life will be spared," he demanded.

Silence lingered, tension thick in the air until Rudra's patience wore thin. "He's useless to us. Dispose of him," he ordered, the sentence ringing with finality.

The tied-up man begged, "Please, sir, don't hurt me! I'll tell you everything!" Gautam cut in, urging, "Just spit out the name, we'll end this for you, you'll be free from your pain." Rudra quietly chuckled at Gautam's blunt choice of words.

The frightened captive trembled, revealing, "Sir, a lady from your mansion visits me regularly. She gives me details and photos to send to someone far away. I don't know more than that.If I pass the information I'll get money sir," Rudra demanded loudly, "Who is this lady from the mansion?" The captive pleaded ignorance, "I don't know her sir, she used to cover her face with a scarf, but she used to be well dressed woman once I asked her name and what she does, she claims that her name is some Aditi and she is working in the mansion."

Rudra's eyes were red after hearing the information, aarav said don't talk rubbish tell us the truth he shouted, he captive said sir it's the truth sir, rudra got up from there gautam signalled his gaurds saying free him from his pain as I promised, as soon as we came out there was a gunshot heard in the warehouse.

Laksh directed the guards to clear up the mess, while Rudra, Gautam, Aarav, Laksh, and Dhruv convened in Rudra's office. The room fell silent, a palpable tension hanging in the air as everyone observed Rudra's quiet demeanor, instilling fear in those present. It was evident that someone had used Aditi's name to sow discord, yet everyone understood that when it came to Aayansh's and family safety, Rudra's judgment might be clouded.

A Match Made by Fate: Rudra and Aditi's Arranged Love [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now