Intimacy Part 1

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Aditi and I finally arrived at this mysterious place, and her curiosity was buzzing. "Where are we? Whose house is this?" she inquired eagerly. I chuckled, telling her to be patient, assuring her that she'd soon find out. As the guard swung open the gate, I drove the vehicle inside, and we disembarked.

Aditi's eyes widened in wonder at the sheer beauty of the house. "It's stunning!" she exclaimed, and I couldn't help but smile. "This is our guest house," I revealed. Aditi looked at me, puzzled. "Guest house?" she questioned. I nodded, explaining that whenever I needed some solitude away from everyone else, this was my sanctuary—a tranquil haven known only to a select few.

This is our place to spend some quality time together, away from the bustle of everyday life," I told her, hoping she'd appreciate the peace and serenity as much as I did.

"Is this going to be our stay?" Aditi asked, her excitement palpable. I nodded affirmatively. However, her elation waned momentarily as she voiced her concern, "But what about Aayu? We didn't inform anyone at home."

I smiled reassuringly at her, "Aayu is perfectly fine, everyone is taking care of him, and I've already informed Ma. No need to worry." Her eyes sparkled with gratitude, "Thank you, Rudra. This surprise is wonderful! I adore this guest house nestled amidst nature; it's incredibly beautiful."

Shall we continue admiring from the doorway or step inside?" Rudra playfully asked Aditi. They entered to find a lady and a man present. Rudra introduced them as Gauri and her husband, the caretakers of the guest house. Gauri and her husband welcomed Aditi warmly, and Aditi reciprocated their kindness.

Rudra checked with Gauri, "Is everything ready?" She confirmed with a smile, "Yes, sir." Rudra nodded in satisfaction and said, "Alright, you both can leave. We'll take it from here." Meanwhile, the driver brought their luggage inside. Observing the bags, Aditi asked in surprise, "When did this happen? And how many days are we staying here?"

We'll be here for just the next two days, just the two of us," Rudra answered. Aditi smiled in response. Rudra couldn't help but be pleased, seeing her childlike excitement. After having dinner, Aditi moved to clean up, but Rudra stopped her, saying, "Adu, Gauri will come tomorrow; she'll take care of it. Come with me." He led her to their bedroom

Adu, this is my sanctuary within this guesthouse. No one has ever set foot in this place before, except me. You're the first person to see this space besides me," Rudra shared with Aditi. Overwhelmed, she felt a surge of emotions listening to him.

Throughout their relationship, she had often felt like she was second in Rudra's life—whether in seeking his love, affection, as his wife, or even her place in his home and his room. But today, upon realizing that she was the first person, apart from Rudra, to know about this bedroom, she was moved to the core. This revelation stirred up a profound emotional response within her.

Aditi's sudden embrace took me by surprise. I could feel her trembling against me, her tears soaking through my shirt. Gently lifting her chin, I peered into her eyes, concern etched on my face. "What happened, Adu? Why are you crying?" I inquired, searching for answers in her teary gaze. She shook her head in denial, but I knew something was amiss.

"Come on, Adu. We promised to share everything. Tell me why you're feeling this way," I urged gently, hoping to comfort her. However, she deflected, murmuring, "Not now, Rudra. Right now, I just want to see this room, please.

Understanding her unspoken request, I nodded and turned the doorknob, allowing her entry. As she stepped inside, her reaction was priceless. Aditi stood there, struck by the room's sheer beauty. Her eyes widened in wonder, taking in every detail, and a soft gasp escaped her lips. It was a moment that I cherished—seeing her awestruck by the room's splendor.

Aditi stepping into a dreamy haven designed exclusively for a blissful night. The room radiates romance with soft, dimmed lighting casting a warm glow over sumptuous, satin-draped walls. A majestic canopy bed, adorned with sheer curtains and delicate lace, sits at the heart of the room, promising comfort and intimacy.

Adjacent to this enchanting bedroom is a private oasis - a captivating jacuzzi pool. Nestled in a secluded corner, the pool beckons with its steaming, crystal-clear waters, creating a haven of tranquility. Surrounded by flickering candles and adorned with rose petals floating atop the surface, it's an invitation to luxuriate in the indulgent embrace of the bubbling warmth.

The ambiance is heightened by the soft murmur of soothing music in the background, enhancing the magical atmosphere as you bask in the sheer opulence of this serene sanctuary, designed to celebrate a perfect night together.

Aditi stood there, utterly stunned and overwhelmed by the bedroom's breathtaking decor. The ambiance was magical with an array of flowers, flickering candles casting a warm glow, creating an enchanting atmosphere. As she took in the sight, her cheeks flushed with a mixture of surprise and a gentle blush.

Her gaze wandered around the room, noticing every intricate detail, but what truly caught her off guard was the portrait hanging above the head of the bed—a portrait of herself and Rudra. The realization struck her deeply, leaving her speechless and in awe. It was an intimate and heartfelt gesture, and Aditi couldn't help but be moved by the thoughtfulness and love behind this surprise.

Rudra quietly moved behind Aditi, encircling her in a tender embrace. Resting his chin gently on her shoulder,you liked it, aditi nodded in yes slowly, he softly turned her around to face him. There was a sense of warmth and comfort in his embrace, and as Aditi met his gaze, she could feel the depth of his emotions in that silent moment. They stood there, wrapped in each other's arms, sharing a wordless connection that spoke volumes of their love and understanding.

Rudra's tender words echoed in the air, "Mrs. Aditi Rudransh, did you like it? Or is there something missing?" Aditi, nestled within Rudra's embrace, responded with a gentle shake of her head, indicating that everything was perfect, and there was nothing lacking in the beautiful moment they were sharing. She found solace and completeness in Rudra's arms, feeling a profound sense of contentment and happiness.

Rudra's heart raced with anticipation as he gazed into Aditi's eyes, feeling an inexplicable sense of completion. "Aaj  intezaar poora hua, Aditi," he murmured, his voice filled with a blend of excitement and profound emotion. The moment had finally arrived, a culmination of countless shared moments and unspoken feelings.

A Match Made by Fate: Rudra and Aditi's Arranged Love [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now