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Chapter 131 I passed out.

How was the fire accident in the research institute handled in the end? Yu Jiu did not intervene. In his mind, what he had to do was over. When he wanted to save the Miyano sisters from the black organization, he expelled Miyanoshi's security guards from the institute. And Yujiu himself did not take the initiative to search for the whereabouts of Miyano Akemi. In addition, Yujiu also believed that Bourbon would protect Miyano Akemi, so he would not interfere.

Yujiu actually wants to restore his relationship with Fangtani Rei as soon as possible. The most important thing is that Fangtani Rei easily steps on the moral high ground to condemn himself. For example, "If I hadn't killed Gin, more innocent people would have died at his hands, including Miyano Akemi." For example, "Gin was a big obstacle in my plan, and you never thought of helping me." I". Although Yu Jiu had his own defensive answers to these words, in Yu Jiu's view, this was just a quarrel over disagreements.

So the best way is to avoid talking about it and avoid conflicts. This will at least prevent the relationship from becoming too rigid. But is that the end?

Yujiu didn't think so, but it was just like waiting for flowers to bloom or branches and leaves to spread, and it was not something he could work on. Everything has to wait and wait and see what happens.

So Yujiu finally got his first part-time job three months after joining the black organization. This job was introduced to Hagiwara Kenji by his sister Hagiwara Chisu, who is the captain of the traffic police mobile unit in Yokohama City, Kanagawa Prefecture. There are always a large number of personnel changes and transfers when the new year is approaching, and Hajiu has not forgotten to take the prefectural examination. Therefore, Hagiwara Kenji had internal news, and Yujiu signed up.

The personnel review of the prefectural examination is not as complicated as the "National Civil Servant First Trial Examination". Yujiu won the first place in the literary examination, physical education and interview, plus his internship as a small patrolman a few years ago. Experience, Yu Jiu's qualifications were re-examined, and finally he got the admission notice. As soon as Yu Jiu received the qualification notice, he immediately showed it to his peers at the police academy in the group. Everyone except Rei Fukiya, who was horrified to watch, were all praising Natsume Haku for being great. Although he had to start from the lowest level and it might be difficult to get promoted, he was still a little policeman after all. After that, Yujiu can take another national civil service examination and enter the police academy for training.

Yujiu previously just wanted to graduate from the police academy, so he did not take the prefectural exams that opened in the spring. The second open exam was in winter, so Yujiu did not give up the opportunity this time.

Seeing Yu Jiu's progress in getting admitted to the police academy, not only Rei Fukiya but also Gin felt uneasy and displeased. Gin has always been opposed to Yujiu walking around using his real name, but fortunately, he was doing a small patrol. And it was still in Yokohama, the capital of criminals. The main government agency there was the military and police. On the contrary, the civilian police were doing small things, such as burglary, and it was difficult for Yujiu to show his face.

After Gin complained about Yujiu for an hour, Yujiu said that he missed the train, but Ginjiu finally delivered it to the door of his unit. Before Yujiu left, he promised Ginjiu that he would not be too arrogant.

Gin didn't trust Yujiu's words at all. However, for someone like him who had just joined the organization not long ago, he originally did not have many tasks. Most of his time was spent recharging his energy, as if he was raising weapons loosely, so Yujiu had more free time, so he Easily unable to sit still. Now, it felt like putting annoying people in a boarding school, and Gin didn't have to think about anyone disturbing him while he was working.

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