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Chapter 111 You Can Get Out

It’s been less than a week since the Nagano incident ended, and it’s already November.

This year, the Kanto region started preparing for winter very early. Yu Jiu followed Zhu Fu Jingguang to learn to read the weather forecast every day. This morning's weather forecast said that there might be early snow this month. Leaving aside the snow issue, the weather will not clear up all week due to the heat island effect.

When Yu Jiu went out, he thought for a moment and put a folding umbrella in his backpack.

Orihara Izaya said that he found news about Elena Miyano.

Last time Orihara Izaya said that giving a name is not enough to find information. Naturally, it is impossible for Yujiu to just give the name "Elena Miyano", the place where her husband once worked, and the place where the children once studied.

Orihara Izaya didn't give it in person. He asked Yagiri Namie to forward it on his behalf. The secretary gave him a briefcase in the coffee shop and asked Yujiu to leave after making sure there was no problem. It was so direct and unkind.

Before she married Miyano Atsushi, Elena Miyano's surname was Sera. She had an older sister, Sera Marie, who was a civil servant in the UK. Although she has published several papers in top journals, she is not particularly famous. On the contrary, Miyano Atsushi is very famous in the industry.

Atsushi Miyano, who was expelled from scientists for being a "mad scientist", joined Shiroji Pharmaceutical 24 years ago. After the pharmaceutical group collapsed, he started a new business and opened a small clinic called Miyano Clinic. Thirteen years ago, he joined an organization called Karasuma Group and participated in pharmaceutical manufacturing.

Miyano and his wife died in an experimental fire 12 years ago. But there is no record of these two people on the Japanese death list. This seems to be related to the household registration of the two people. Both people were made foreigners, so their disappearance and death will not be registered in the Japanese household registration system.

Elena Miyano has two daughters, one is Miyano Akemi and the other is Miyano Shiho. Both children have birth certificates from the relevant hospitals, so it is not difficult to check.

Yujiu basically confirmed from the name Miyano Shiho that the girl he met before was definitely from the Miyano family. The reason why he didn't believe it, Yu Jiu thought about it, was that he had watched too many bloody dramas, such as having the wrong child, a girl's identity being replaced, etc. From Miyano Shiho's incident, Yujiu learned a truth: most things in life are still like mathematical formulas and can be deduced in a regular manner without so many traps.

As soon as Yu Jiu finished reading the document, he saw Belmode walking into the coffee shop. She was bright and beautiful, and there was a noise as soon as she entered the coffee shop. Yujiu subconsciously glanced at the document bag and pulled out the paper on strengthening telomerase activity published by Elena Miyano.

"What are you looking at?" Belmod said.

"Medical paper."

Yu Jiu turned over the second page of the paper to Belmod, but only for a moment. People's instant memory is extremely short, especially when a large amount of information is placed in front of the other party, most of the information that the other party can receive can only be supplementary voice information.

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