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Chapter 75 Detective Competition (8)

Four o'clock in the afternoon.

Yujiu wasn't sure how the others were doing, but he was already listening to the radio in the room. There is already paper and pen beside me, and I plan to start taking shorthand. Yu Jiu thought that the reason why it was not made public might be because the various languages ​​were mixed together and the interpreter invited could not translate it properly in the first time, so he stayed in his own room to listen to the broadcast.

A voice with a Tokyo accent sounded on the radio.

This is a three-day detective competition.

In this game, except for the different combinations, the game mode is the same.

On the first day of the competition, each floor spontaneously formed a team of 10 people to solve a case.

After the group competition, there will be a collective discussion within the group, and each group will select 5 people they think are criminals. The one with the highest coincidence rate will be eliminated first. The remaining five people will form another group with people on other floors on the second day. Detailed rules will be notified after the end of the first day.

There are details to discuss here.

1. If the case is not successfully solved, the entire team will be considered eliminated. There are no bonuses for detectives, and there is no so-called right to bail for criminals. Therefore, both detectives and criminals must concentrate their efforts and stay in the game first.

2. The day before each round of competition, team members must gather for 30 minutes, and the time is determined by themselves. Before the start of the game, that is, at 0 o'clock on the second day, individuals can vote to the front desk to select 5 criminal numbers. Those who are completely correct will receive a privilege after the old team gathers after solving the case. If the guess is wrong, the "reporter" will be eliminated first.

3. Fights and bloodshed are prohibited. Once this happens, they will be considered eliminated and will also be thrown into prison and subject to legal sanctions.

After Yujiu finished memorizing it, he called Ranpo Edogawa and asked him if he needed help sorting out the rules of the game.

At least 25 people will be eliminated on the first day, but the number of people eliminated on the second day has not been announced.

If the organizer is actually more of a detective, then the number of eliminations on the second day will imply how many criminals are still in the game. For example, if there are more than 13 people to be eliminated, then this implies that there will be more criminals than detectives on the first day of the competition.

Or, the competition mode for the second day's competition may be that one person from each floor forms a group of five, and three people are eliminated from each group. By the third day, it happened to be a group of ten people.

The rules of the game state that if the criminal wins the game, he will be released on bail; if the detective wins the game, the detective will receive the bonus. If there is also a vote on the third day, then in this majority rule game, the number of "criminals" must be controlled before the third game. Otherwise, if the number of criminals is large, the detective will be at a disadvantage from the beginning.

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