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We returned with the group and the warriors that went with them. They had blocked off a room but the vampires were going to get inside. They wouldn't have been safe for much longer so I was glad I got there when I did.

I loved helping like this and I got to kill vampires beside my man...I mean Peri.

I cleared my throat in the Jeep. not mine.

I couldn't stop those thoughts from circling. I wanted him so badly but he wasn't mine so I tried to shut my brain up.

People in the group celebrated but they were still unsure of me so, I stayed away from them. I stayed separate for their comfort.

When we got back home, I took a shower and went to my cell. I laid down as the sun came up. I was happy and sleepy. Peri was safe. That was my last thought.

I was awakened with a growl that wasn't mine. A large bear was in my cell. Well, it was bear-like but I had gathered we weren't on Earth. I was guessing that was where I was from. I know too much about it to not be from Earth.

Back to my cell and the bear-like thing... It was black, the teeth were long, like a Sabertooth tiger. Its claws were...well, bear-like and it wanted to kill me.

I smiled a very sharp smile and more teeth formed in my mouth. I laughed as it lunged at me. I wrestled with it for a while before I feasted on it. It got some good hits in, I might add. I prolonged the fight because it was fun.

I looked up finally expecting Citron but it was Peri. He smiled at me. "I just wanted to say thanks."

Peri smiled at me. I swear that my heart beat out of my chest like a cartoon. I had been watching some corny anime lately and I was one of those lovesick characters.

I laid across the bear carcass. "Welcome." I smiled bigger at him and those pretty buttery eyes. I stood and moved to the bars. "Thanks for the bear?" I stood up as Peri talked.

"It's called a harbor. I guess they are bear-like. They are fierce and angry." Peri sighed. "Hard to kill."

I smiled at him as I inched closer to the bars. "Like you."

I kid you not, Peridot blushed. I looked at my feet and wanted to memorize this moment.

I heard the door open. Peri pushed me to the bars. "What did you do to me?" He was close and glaring.

"No! Nothing! I..I didn't do anything!" I was freaking out because I couldn't fight him off. If he tried to kill me, I would let him. What was wrong with me? "I'm sorry!" I was in tears.

"Fucking crying!" Peri growled very accusingly at me. "Don't." His face was close. "I didn't mean to say that. I can't figure out what's wrong between us? What is this? I know you know what I mean!"

"I don't know!" I felt it though.

Peri glared at me with everything he had. "Just stay away from me. Okay?"

I nodded like crazy. "You came here!"

Peri looked around. "Shit!"

"How's my favorite patient to.." Dr. Comet was there.

Peri moved away from me and rushed from my area. I never saw him run so fast. I would have laughed under different circumstances but I hated seeing him walk off. He was upset.

"What was that?" Dr. Comet stared at me.

"Nothing. Peri brought me that Bear thing and then told me to stay away from him. That's about it. How are you, Sir?" I watched him and hoped he didn't read anything into this. I was already embarrassed.

"He brought you breakfast?" Dr. Comet was going to read more into it.

"Just a gesture of thanks, I assure you." I sighed.

Dr. Comet chuckled. "Sure. Come on." He didn't believe that any more than I did but he left it alone.

We walked to his lab. We reviewed our findings on my cell regeneration and blood work.

I loved the lab work. I was beginning to help with other things also.

I even helped with a surgery he had to perform on a local farmer. He had run a fence post through his shoulder. I didn't ask how that happened but he made it through just fine.

Dr. Comet told me not to mention the extra help to Gem. She would freak. I was a blood thirsty vampire after all.

It took about a month more to get the perfect synthetic blood source for me to eat.

Dr. Comet made it out of plants, algae and some kind of fish cells. I worked with him and saw less of Peri. I was trying to get him out of my head and it wasn't working, just so everyone knows. But now I had synthetic food.

I began calling it vegetarian blood. From that day on, I was vegetarian. Dr. Comet like that. It also meant that Peri wouldn't be bringing me breakfast ever again.

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