Not A Great Introduction

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This is just the intro page... If you want to skip it, sure. (I do that sometimes also) I'm impatient and it's just the character's information which can be learned through the story. I'm like start the story already. If you want to come back to this page to read it, do so. I will call this page, optional! Enjoy!

My name... I don't know. I'm a nobody with no memories of my life before..I became a snack for some vampires that turned me and left me for dead. I'm rare and special, I guess.

This is partly my story. There are others that play their part and some become more.

Faeries are warriors and protectors that worked closely with humans and others to keep a watch over vampires to protect all people from the vampires, a blood sucking curse to all realms. There are many other types of people in this story. Faeries and druids are the most common. Oh, and some humans.

Here's the line up.

Peridot or Peri - He was the second in command of the Faeries army. He is a very angry Druid in this army made up of a mod podge of people, including humans. Pretty much anyone that was affected by Vampires and not sexy happy human loving vampires either, hungry evil tiger shark vampires that feed in packs. Druids are magical and proud people that depend on their people for power and life.

Citron- Peri's commander of the army and a very kind, very strong man or strong Faerie, I guess. He knows every martial art move there was to know and he's good with weapons. He's dangerous and smart.

Comet- Citron's friend and doctor (or gen) for their people. He is a Pixie. A sweet and gentle soul. Probably the only reason I was still alive or whatever.

Gem- the leader and an elemental fairy. She's the leader of the Fae world that I was somehow stuck in. She's in charge and called the shots. She directed everyone like chess pieces and she was the master. She's a fire faerie. Those are very rare and very powerful.

These four people become my family and I haven't a clue how but they are important to this pathetic vampire.

I hope you like my story as it is. I make mistakes, we all do. Life is hard so be kind and just enjoy my world for a little while. Thanks for reading.

So, shall we begin the story already!

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