Kevin POV:

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POV change happens this one time: (Probably)

From my point of view, I was lost. I saw my dad and he wasn't the same person but he was to me. I could tell that he doesn't remember me at all and that hurt me.

I didn't know how to react and I reacted badly. I saw the hurt in his eyes at my poor reaction to him being a vampire and then I learned that he didn't remember me or us. It hurt.

I talked with Citron involuntarily because he dragged me away from the cafeteria after the druid yelled at me.

Citron pulled me into the hall. "Are you okay, Kevin?" He watched me with pretty blue eyes. He was very beautiful for a warrior. He should be a model.

I sighed. "I don't know!" I wiped tears off of my face. "I don't know what to think or do. I don't know what to say to him. He's not my dad but he is at the same time. I mean he looks like my dad but he doesn't. It's messed up!"

Citron sighed. "I can't begin to understand what that's like either, Kevin. When we found him, he was alone and I knew he would be dead within three days. This isn't our first vampire that we captured alive."

I was about to ask but he continued. This information shocked me. These people were much more experienced than I imagined.

"Two. We captured two and they both died in their cell within three days. They can't live without their mates." Citron watched me. I just nodded like an idiot. I wanted more of the story and I didn't know where he was going.

"I believe they are connected to an entire group. They're mated to a group but when we found Viper... we brought him back. I thought for sure I would find him dead on day three. When he was still alive, I was shocked. He cooperated with us and by week three, we stopped using handcuffs in the halls."

"He joked with us, helped to test himself and asked personal questions about Dr. Comet." Citron sighed. "He's very intelligent. That shocked us as well. Viper isn't a normal vampire."

"Comet befriended Viper first and Peri was last. Peri hated Viper for the longest time but Viper somehow won him over." Citron chuckled and cleared his throat. "Peri lost everything when he lost his people and hadn't really been alive until he met Viper. There was a click with them."

Citron sighed. "I believe that Peri is Viper's mate or maybe the whole group is and that was how he survived. I'm not sure. I'm sure that Viper has his own theories, as well."

"My point, Kevin, is that he's amazing and you should get to know Viper as Viper and not your father. Reintroduce yourself. Get to know who he is now." Citron paused as he watched me take in this information.

I just nodded. That was a lot of information to process.

Citron continued. "Whoever he was, he's still a good person. He may be a different person but he's not like them. He's like us, Kevin. Just think about it and give him a second chance."

I sighed. This was a dilemma. "I'm gonna try but don't tell him...yet." I looked at a wall. "It's been almost three years... and Peri's right. He's here and he's the last of my family but I just don't know what to do. I mean, I can see that he doesn't recognize me. It's still such a shock."

Citron sighed. "Take your time but give him a chance." He shrugged at me. "That's all I can ask."

I nodded and walked off. I had a lot of thinking to do. Citron sat me in a gym where the practice was almost over. Peri and my dad.. Viper. I mean Peri and Viper were already leaving. I guess they didn't follow the same rules.

I didn't sleep well and I spent the rest of the day in my room looking at pictures of my family or what used to be my family. None of them were alive.

My dad, Josh, was alive but not. I would have to use logic and not my heart on this one. My heart said that was my dad but my brain said he wasn't my dad. I would have to get to know him as a friend...maybe.

I caught up with Viper's group as they were practicing in the gym the next day after we ate. I sat on a bleacher. I didn't think that Viper knew I was there, so I was observing. He was fighting with Peri and they looked like they did that all the time. Peri looked comfortable.

There was another man there wrestling with Viper and he I couldn't help it. I hadn't caught his name. He had dark hair and pretty clear blue eyes. I mean crystal blue like the Caribbean blue. So pretty. I couldn't take my eyes off him as they wrestled and he teased Viper.

I could tell that they were learning from the vampire. I saw Peri wrestling with Viper as they both laughed and teased each other.

I noticed that even Viper's laugh was different from my dad's laugh. It wasn't as deep or something. Something was different. Viper was a different person entirely.

I was trying to separate my dad from Viper and it was getting easier. Some of his mannerisms were similar but he was different. His stance was similar but he crossed his arms more now when he hardly ever did that before. He was very motherly before and I didn't get that vibe from Viper at all.

I actually started laughing as I listened to Viper and Peri tease each other. It was fun to watch them. They looked relaxed when they fought and laughed together. The dad I knew wouldn't have enjoyed fighting either. Viper clearly loved it.

The dark hair mystery man was captivating and I couldn't help but stare at him. He kept distracting me. Viper knew him and they were friends. I saw them talking a few times as they waited their turn to practice with someone.

I finished drooling, I mean watching the practice and headed to dinner with everyone. The mystery man smiled in my direction as he walked out with Citron. Citron knew him too.


Thanks for reading and I hope you're enjoying the story!

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