Chapter 46: Banishment

Start from the beginning

"I wish I could help take that pain away." He said quietly.

"It's not your burden to bere."

"It shouldn't be yours either, Evy. You did nothing wrong, you don't deserve this!"

She gave him a small sad smile. He pulled her back into a hug. She wrapped her arms around his waist and held him tight, his one hand cupped the back of her head and the other around her back. He held her until Nick walked up.

"'s time."

Minho pulled away, gave her an encouraging nod and left with Nick to go get Ben. Evelyn turned back to the Maze. Her eyes closed, the pressure and tension of what she was about to do weighed heavy on her shoulders. She appreciated Alby so much more. Another hard choice, but this time she was incharge of executing the plan.

With her back to the Glade and her eyes closed she went into herself. She heard the rumble of footsteps behind her. Most of the Gladers had seen what happened and the ones who didn't see it, were told. This wasn't a surprise. Still didn't make it easier.

Nick came back holding the sharpened spears. Evelyn turned to finally face the Gladers. The Keepers had formed a semi circle infront of the guys. Nick handed her a spear. He gave her a sad look, and a small smile, one she did not return. Once spears were passed out she turned. Taking a deep steady breathing to steel herself. She called for Minho.

"Bring him out!"

From around the Slammer holding Ben between them was Minho and Sonny. They both looked stone cold. Ben's arms were tied and held behind his head. He was a big white bandage around his head that was stained red from where Newt slammed the shovel into his head. He looked terrible. His clothes were ripped and hanging off of him, like he attacked himself and ripped his own clothes. He was pale with black veins still very visible. His eyes were almost black and rimmed red. He had spit and some dark phlem trickling down his chin.

"Just listen to me. Just, please, listen to me Please, Minho! Sonny! Please!" Ben pleaded. His dark wild eyes flying around. Minho dragged his old running partner and friend to the middle, and forced him to his knees.

"Evy! Please! Please no! I'm sorry! I'm sorry I pushed you! I'm sorry! Please don't do it!" He cried, struggling against the ropes binding him.

"Ben of the Runners," Evelyn yelled above the pleading and crying.

There was a wild blast of wind that came down the tunnle. It made her hair fly around her, and pull at her clothes, holding the spear and the cold look on her face with fire in her dead eyes. Anger flashed inside her. Making her healing power surge, and her hands started to glow. All the Gladers took a slight step back.

She heard muttering and whisperings.

"She looks like some wild witch!"

"Dude she is a witch!"

"Nah's Evy!"

"She looks like she could kill you!"

"Definitely she could!"

Evelyn was furious, a barly controled rage bubbled inside of her. She was angry at the Creators, at whoever made the Grievers, at whoever put them inside this prison; anger at all the useless death and gore; she was angry at Newt for the humiliation and broken trust, she was angry that Alby was still out and no one had the guts to step forward to do this.

"You have broken our rules. For your attempted murder of Thomas the Greenie...Your fate has been decided: Banishment. Keepers have spoken and their decision ain't changing. You won't be coming back. Ever."

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