Chapter 44: Confessions

Start from the beginning

She heard some branches snapping and voices. They were getting louder the closer they got. They were angry and arguing. Frowning she was going to get up but froze when her name was brought up. They were just on the other side of the tree line. Evelyn didn't move a muscle, she didn't know what to do.

"...Evelyn is hurt, you shuck face!"

"Clearly she's bloody hurt! She spent a buggen' night in the maze!"

"That's not what I'm shucken talkin' about! And you know that!"

There was a pause in the conversation.

"Well she seems just happy with you around."

"Dude! You're her shucken boyfriend! I don't know what the shuck has gotten into you! You can't see what your shucken doin' to her?"

"You're aroun' for her. She doesn't buggen' need me."

There was a thump noise and a grunt.

"You're such a shuck face! I'm around cuz who the shuck knows where you are! You stood frozen watching her collapse all bloody, didn't even come to the MedHut after. Nick had to go find you and shucken drag you in! Even the shucken greenie was there! But the guy she loves flakes?"

"I...I couldn't face her-"


"Because! 'Cause Minho, I lost her! I lost you! And Alby! And Tommy!"

"You didn't you idiot! Were all still here! So what's your shucken excuse now?"

"I'm...I'm too ashamed of my bloody self! An' what I tried! Sonny had ta lock me in the shucken slammer!"

There was silence. Evelyn felt her stomach twist and bile rose in her throat. She didn't want to hear this, but she couldn't move.

"I tried to kill myself again! Are ya happy now Minho? Nick and Sonny had ta throw me in the Slammer for the night! Jeff had ta come clean and stitch my arm! An' now she's' she'd be ashamed of me! Of what I did an' how I treated her!"

There was silence still, she didn't know what Minho was doing or saying now, but she could the rumble of his deep voice but she could hear Newt sniff.

"...I don' know."

"You don't shucken know?" Minho yelled.
"You've been here since day one, you've seen her ups and downs, look how she was after your attempt in the Maze ya shank! If that's not love then I'm the shucken President of the United States! That shuck faced Greenie only went along with it cuz YOU said NOTHING about the fact you have a girlfriend!"

Evelyn was doubled over, holding her stomach bitting her bottom lip to keep the hyperventilating and crying silent. How could Newt be like this? Their entire year together meant nothing?

"I don't know Minho! I don't! I can't just ignore my bloody feelings!"

"No, that's true. But you gotta shucken grow up and stop stringing her along. Keep it up and your gonna loose them both. And my respect. Your my best friend, but... after how you're treating her-"

"What? You gonna swoop in and be her shoulder? The good guy?"

"Shucken right I am. You better shucken figure it out and soon!"

"It's not that simple!" Newt yelled.

Evelyn let a sob escape, she tried so hard to keep herself quiet. But the pain in her heart was too much. She felt like she was having a heart attack, the pain was unbearable. The voices stoped.


She scrambled to her feet and fleed. Leaving her half picked basket behind.

"Bloody fantastic."

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