The Crown

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Jana: Calm down please, but anyway, we all remember the Crown, don't we?

Joey: How could we forget? Joel's still wearing it when we all know I should be the rightful emperor.

Jana: Well... (Then the clip where fWhip presented the Crown to everyone played on screen.)

Shelby: Well, that explains it.

Joey: It was built by salmon?

Pix: I've always wanted to know more about the Crown's origins!

Gem: fWhip, we just beat a demon who's been tormenting us for who knows how long, and then you whip out something you know will make us fight each other?!

fWhip: Hey, peace is boring.

Jana: So anyway, they somehow managed to lose the crown somewhere and everyone started killing each other to see who had it.

Jimmy: Who had it?

Jana: You'll find out. (The clip played of everyone killing each other until everyone died.)

Katherine: Who won?

Jana: You'll find out.

Joel: That's two in a row!

Shelby: It's Sausage!

Sausage: No it wasn't.

Everyone: It was Jimmy?!

Jimmy: I was the first emperor?

Jana: Yup.

Jimmy: What was my rule?

Sausage: You had all of us make a cod sanctuary!

Jana: Joey actually asked if making a cod sanctuary entailed building something out of cod heads.

Joey: Seriously?

Sausage: Oh, yeah! I remember that.

fWhip: Why didn't you want the Crown, Sausage?

Sausage: I decided that power was bad for me so instead I tried to protect the ruler of the server to prove everyone could trust me again.

Jana: Except you never actually protected anyone.

Sausage: Er, yeah.

Lizzie: You really are the most incompetent assassin.

Sausage: Only because I was the only one!

fWhip: You know, something tells me that Jimmy's rule didn't last too long.

Jana: It didn't, and Count fWhip of the Grimlands also decided that. He literally built a flower in his sanctuary that had a sponge as the middle for when Jimmy lost the crown.

Jimmy: fWhip!

Pix: Could you explain the Crown a little more? The knowledge I have about it is a little lacking.

Jana: Of course. You already know most of the rules, like how only one unchangeable rule per reign, and you have to hide the Crown somewhere while offline. The other rules were that fWhip was the gamesmaster and any disputes had to be brought up with him, no blowing up the emperor to get the crown, and if the Crown is destroyed then a new one had to be made, and a random raffle between the members who never had it before would determine the new ruler.

Pix: This is interesting.

Lizzie: Did the Crown ever get blown up or destroyed?

Jana: Yes, it was blown up once, but I won't talk more about that until later.

Sausage: Yeah, major spoilers.

Shelby: You know, it feels kind of unfair that Sausage and Jana already know what's going to happen.

Jana: Anyhow, Jimmy's reign only lasted for like four or five days.

Scott: Who was the new ruler?

Sausage: You were, actually.

Jimmy: Wait, did Scott kill me?

Jana: Yes. He threw nine potions of harming at you because he thought just attacking you with a sword was boring.

fWhip: Well, I agree with that.

Scott: What was my rule?

Jana: The new rule was that no one was allowed to fly unless they had a Scott Fly Pass.

Everyone: What?!

Joel: Scott, that rule is #$&^$%-!

Jana: LANGUAGE! And Scott's reasoning was that this was how he got back at people who weren't nice to him before. His allies got fly passes automatically.

Scott: Well that makes sense.

Jana: And some funny parts. fWhip was literally heading to Jimmy's place to kill him for the Crown when Scott did it.

fWhip: Really?

Jana: Yes, you spent most of your time trying to get the Crown. And we should really commend Lizzie.

Lizzie: Me? Why? (The screen started showing the clip where Lizzie literally every single empire to find cod to put in her sanctuary, and how she still did it even after she went to Scott's place and he informed her of the new emperor.)

Jana: And please note that Lizzie's whole empire is based around axolotls.

Jimmy(Sad.): I starting to wish she really was my sister.

Gem: Aw, you were such a nice sister, Lizzie.

Jana: Funny you mention siblings, Gem.

Gem: Why?

Jana: I just think it's about time we discussed your sibling.

fWhip: Wait, Gem has siblings?

Shelby: How many siblings are there?!

Jana: Just Scott and Xornoth, Lizzie and Jimmy, and Gem and fWhip.

Gem and fWhip: Wait what?!

Gem: I always thought of fWhip as an annoying little brother but this is ridiculous!

Jana: The two of them were twins as well, actually.

fWhip: Who's older?

Jana: You, I think. I don't really know.

Gem: But I was still more responsible.

Jana: Definitely.

Lizzie: I'm starting to want a sibling now.

Shelby: Yeah, I feel left out.

Scott: Off the topic of siblings, why was Rivendell covered in ice? 

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