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Jana: But the significant event that happens next is actually a sort of allyship.

Pix: But you've never mentioned allies much before. How different is this one?

Jana: It's between Lizzie and Joel, and very conveniently Lizzie actually made a music video about this very thing.

Lizzie: Really? (The screen starts playing Reel Love.) I'm on a date with Joel?

Joel: Dating Lizzie?

Shelby and Katherine: You have such a pretty voice, Lizzie.

Lizzie: Thank you!

Joel(Right after he proposed.): I married Lizzie?!

Jimmy: Oh my gosh.

Katherine: Aw, congrats!

Sausage: I remember that wedding! It was really eventful.

Jana: And there's another 'you'll find out' busted. Anyway, like aforementioned, Jimmy was Joel's best man, and the other girls on the server were Lizzie's bridesmaids. There were exactly four, actually. (Then the screen started playing the part in the Empires SMP musical where Something Old, Something New was running and the bit after where it talked about the wedding and introduced Xornoth.)

fWhip(Chortling at how Pearl had an enchanted apple the whole time.): How long do you think Pearl had the enchanted apple?

Sausage: Probably a long time based on our luck!

Pix(After it mentioned Pix's gift of tridents.): Why did it specifically mention me?

Jana: Oh, the others all brought their exports and stuff like that, but yours were very specific. Joel got one enchanted so he could teleport in Lizzie's empire whenever he wanted, and Lizzie got one so she could strike Joel down with lightning whenever she wanted.

Joel(Flatly.): I think it was obvious which one was better.

Lizzie: Oh, perfect. Now I'm the one with lightning powers! Talk about an uno reverse.

Jana: Funny you should mention uno reverse...

fWhip: Let me guess, we'll find out.

Jana: You'll find out.

Joey: I honestly did not expect myself to be the one who married the two of them. 

Empires SMP season 2 reacts to season 1Where stories live. Discover now