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Shelby(After Xornoth was introduced.): A demon?!

Sausage(Sighing.): Yeah, he was hiding in an armor stand the whole time.

Gem: What did the demon do?

Jana: I'll talk about that later. Right now I think it's about time I discussed Sausage's lore.

Jimmy: But Sausage's lore hurts my head.

Jana: Don't worry Jimmy, I'll try to simplify it.

Sausage: I could always explain.

Jana: Uh, no thanks Sausage. They don't need to know everything, just that most important bits. Anyway, Sausage was beginning to learn magic by absorbing it from other places. He had these weird red mystic sheep called blood sheep running around his place that he would sacrifice for spells.

Katherine: Blood sheep?

Joey: Seriously?

Sausage: Lizzie and Joel got married in the church of the blood sheep.

Lizzie(Unsure what to think of it.): Blood sheep... uh...

Joel: Wasn't there any other church around? There surely must've been for at least one god.

Jana: Scott built the church of Aeor, but that was after the wedding. Jimmy had a church for cod but that was also after the wedding. There wasn't any other choice honestly. But anyway, Sausage started to get really obsessed with magic.

Sausage(Admitting.): A little too obsessed.

Gem: Sausage, what did you do?

Jana: That will be said later. Anyway, back to Xornoth the demon. fWhip was messing around with his nether portal and making it look cool when he started hearing voices.

fWhip: What was my mental health condition?

Jana: Oh, no, it's not that. It was just Xornoth talking. Anyway, he was messing with everyone on the server, scaring people and giving them nightmares and stuff. He kept on telling people to free him and kill the ender dragon. (The screen showed clips of Xornoth just randomly scaring people and then Sausage and Gem's Q&A with him.)

Shelby: That's kinda scary.

Jana: Everyone was affected differently. Sausage was pretty fine with a demon hanging around, and Shrub was exceptionally terrified because Xornoth was the one who corrupted her homeworld, but it should be noted that she was also the one who stood up to him the most. (The screen started showing scenes of Shrub yelling at Xornoth.)

Shelby: Woah.

Joey: I honestly didn't think the little witch had it in her. No offense.

Shelby: Oh, that's okay.

Joel: How'd the rest of us react?

Jana: Well funny you should ask, Joel. You actually didn't even believe Xornoth existed.

Lizzie: Seriously? I mean I know Joel is thick in the head but how did he manage that?

Joel: Hey!

Jana: Joel thought the whole thing was just a massive prank from someone else. I should tell you though, for whatever reason Xornoth never bothered Joel, Lizzie, or Scott much. I don't know why for Joel, but Lizzie lives in the middle of the ocean and Xornoth had a thing about water, and Scott because of a reason I will tell you later.

Scott: You should really stop leaving us on cliffhangers like that.

Gem: But wait, Xornoth isn't really doing anything yet. He's just talking so far, isn't he?

Jana: Yes, well, he was released and then the trouble started.

Katherine: Who released him?

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