The beginning

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Jana: Very astute. He had a drowned farm that gave copper and tridents. So anyway, I'll talk about lore and story now. No one really had too much lore starting out, but more lore came out as time went on. Jimmy's lore was that in the cod empire the Codfather head was this special curse of binding cod head that the ruler would wear.

Joel: Jimmy, what is it with you and special hats?

Jimmy: Does sentimental value never occur to you, Joel? Ugh, Jana, what does Joel, the bane of my existence, do to me in this life?

Jana: He was actually very nice to you.

Joel and Jimmy: Wait, what?

Jana: Yeah, you were very close allies actually. Jimmy actually was Joel's best man at his wedding-

Jimmy: What?!

Joel: I got married?!

Jana: Yes. And don't ask me who the bride was, I'll explain later. Anyway, I'll talk about Lizzie next. She originally lived on lily pads in the middle of the ocean until she built a mega base out of quartz and coral and prismarine.

Katherine: Live coral?

Lizzie: I would build out of no less, obviously.

Jimmy: Sheesh, that must've been so annoying!

Jana: But the effect was really pretty after that. Joey ended up building one of the towers, but other than that Lizzie made the whole thing herself.

Joey: I what?

Jana: Way into the future you and Lizzie had a competition to see who could collect a full shulker box of mob heads first, and whoever won would build for the other. Lizzie got her last head a second or two before Joey and therefore Joey had to build a new tower for her.

Lizzie: Nice!

Jana: Lizzie was weirdly lucky. She found an underwater geode that actually lead to an end stronghold-

Katherine: Wow, that must've been pretty.

Pix: And end stronghold in a geode? What a discovery!

Jana: And not only that, Lizzie ended up putting her nether portal in the geode and guess where the portal spawned?

Everyone: Where?

Jana: When she came out of the portal, a nether fortress was literally right there.

Joel: What the-

Jana: Language.

Lizzie: Wow, I really am incredibly lucky. Which is in contrast to Animalia where bad things happen every other minute.

Jana: Anyway, what happened after that was known as the Great End Heist, or the Great End Heist Disaster.

Gem: What was disastrous about it?

Pix: I think I remember.

Sausage: Oh, that was when Gem, Pearl, Katherine, and Pix and I tried to raid an end city. It went very wrong.

fWhip: What went wrong?

Sausage: Oh, you did.

fWhip: I don't think I remember going.

Jana: Pix thought it would be more efficient to build a flying machine out of redstone to get to another island instead of bridging. Except midway through fWhip-

Sausage: fWhip planted an azalea bush and we all fell through the honey blocks.

fWhip: Ouch.

Gem: fWhip, apologize.

Sausage: Don't worry, Gem, he already did. Anyway, we went for another go but Gem just fell off because she fell off. Pearl got left behind and had to bridge. And then I died too and Pix and Katherine were the only ones who ended up getting the resources.

Lizzie: Disaster indeed. 

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