Chapter 40: Another Greenie

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Kneeling down beside the girl she felt her pulse again. It was barely there. Raising up onto her knees she placed both hands on her chest over the girls heart and forced what little power she found muster into her hands and into the girls heart. She took a wild gasp of air and her eyes shot open. They were a vivid bright electric blue.

She sat straight up and gasped again. Making Evelyn fall back with a gasp of surprise.

"Thomas!" She cried.

And then flopped back down to the grass. Every head swivelled to the Thomas's direction. He stood looking thunderstruck. His own eyes wide and mouth wide open. Evelyn caught Gally's eye. He was frowning and grinding his teeth.

"I knew he was trouble! There's something off about you, Greenie!" He turned to look at Newt, "still think I'm overreacting?"

Newt looked back at the girl. Evelyn was trying to get something out of her hand. It was clamped tight.

"What did ya find?"

Newt crouched down beside Evelyn and the girl. Evelyn finally managed to pull the paper out of her hand. Uncrumpling it she read the words and her stomach dropped, her veins filled with ice and her lungs forgot to work.

"What's it say?" Nick asked, leaning over.

"It says, she's the last one. Ever." Newt said.

His eyes wide, looking from the girl who looked like she was sleeping to Thomas the Greenie who looked utterly lost and confused to the bots in Evelyn's hands to Evelyn's face. Evelyn was frowning. Her mind was racing in so many different directions. But the one she latched onto was her Healers intuition.

"Jeff? Clint? We gotta get her back to the MedHut!"

They had ready run and were bringing back the board they used to transport guys who ingured themselves so bad they couldn't walk. The three of them shifted the unconscious girl onto the board and with the help of a few other baggers the guys picked up the board and carried her to the MedHut. Evelyn heard Nick and Sonny shooing the Gladers back to work.

Once back in the Hut, Evelyn made the guys get her into the bed in room 1. Ben was still withering and screaming in room 2. She had pulled the sheet over her when the door of the hut burst open and Newt, Nick and Thomas the Greenie piled in.

"Evelyn! What the bloody shuck is goin' on?" Newt demanded.

She raised an eyebrow at him and crossed her arms. He sighed and ran a hand down his face.

"What's goin' on?" He asked again.

"Best I can guess? She's in a coma-"

"You guess?"

"I got my job same as you. I can only make a beat guess, slim it Newt!" Her voice was low and dangerous like her eyes flashing.

He groand and turned to Thomas. Who was staring at the unconscious girl.

"You recognize her?" Newt asked, pointing at the dark haired girl.

Evelyn watched Thomas, his eyes raked over her body, and then rested on her face, and narrowed his eyes. She saw something flash quickly in his eyes but he blinked and shook his head with a frown.

"No man! I don't recognize her!"

"Ya sure?" Evelyn asked her own eyes narrowed and suspicion rising, "she seemed to know you!"

Thomas looked back at her, she couldn't read the look on his face. He narrowed his own eyes.

"What about the note? Maybe we should worry about that?!" He pointed to the piece of paper still crumpled in Newt's hand.

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