I woke up immediately when someone poured water on me. It was only then that I found out that my hands and feet were tightly chained to the chair while my mouth was covered with tape. Until I saw a woman who stood on the chair and clapped for a while. 

"Finally! The princess has woken up. Did you sleep too well because of the sleeping pills that Wayne mixed in your drink, Avy?" she said, smiling. I tried to speak, but because my mouth was taped, I couldn't say what I wanted to say.

"Oh, you're trying to speak? Here." When she approached, she carelessly removed the tape. I immediately felt the pain after she removed it. I feel like crying.

 "W-what...why are you doing this, Bellatrix? I didn't remember anything I did wrong to make you do this to me," I said. She grinned and came to me. She firmly lifted my chin, but in less than a few minutes, I felt her warm palm landing on my face.

"You did nothing wrong to me? Yes, it's true. In fact, I was just taking revenge for the three queen bees of Morpheus University before, Avy. Except for that girl named Nayumi who also belonged to them. I saw with my two eyes, Avy, how you hurt them and embarrassed them in front of everyone!" she shouted, then slapped me hard again. If only I wasn't chained to it, for sure it wouldn't be just a slap in the hand that I'll do to her.

"You saw what I did to them, didn't you? So that means you must have seen what they did to my sister, which is not really you, so you know the reason why I did that to them. They deserve it, Bellatrix. What they did to my sister was more embarrassing in front of everyone! And before you said that, I wish you had made sure the reason you were telling me was right," I argued with her angrily.

"That's not the only reason, Avy. Remember when Theo left you 5 years ago without even saying goodbye? I actually have a deal with his dad to be his son's secretary to prevent their company from bankruptcy. And I actually had a huge crush on him way back in our college days. I always saw him staring at you from afar while you were with Terrence that time. You always made him cry, Avy. But why did he choose you? Why is it always you?! He never even glanced at me for once. He's always watching you even though he's secretly crying because of you!" she said, crying but she quickly wiped it away and then grinned at me again.

"Why...why are you blaming me for that? I'm not even aware of it even before. Why don't you ask him instead?" I answered her casually.

"Are you kidding me, Avy? Don't you really understand? No matter what I do to make him notice me, he still chooses you again and again. But do you think I'll just give him up to you? Since Wayne was obsessed with you like I felt with Theo, he let me do whatever I want to do with you. Either I'll torture you or kill you instead, so he won't have any choice but to choose me over you. What do you think, Avy? Oh, by the way, did Wayne tell you what he's going to do with his brother, didn't he? I bet he won't take it long until he finally kills him or uses you both as each other's bait." I was annoyed by what she said and I tried to break free from the chain.

"Bitch! You're insane! So don't wonder why he won't choose you because you really don't deserve the love he has for me! And even if I slap Theo on you, he will never be with you!" I screamed and she slapped me hard again then pulled my hair tightly. It's so tight that I feel like I'm going to lose my scalp.

"Stop with your fucking fantasy, Avy! He's going to be mine once I kill you right now!" she yelled, shivering as she continued to tighten her grip on me.

Even before my scalp was removed from the tightness, I soon found a way to escape from the chain tied to my hands and feet. Fortunately, I thought of something to get me out of there. I immediately kicked her and immediately knocked her to the floor. She was surprised by what I did but I fixed myself that was wet with water.

BEHIND THAT HOODIE IS HIM(DREAM SERIES 1-2)Where stories live. Discover now