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It is currently morning, no one should be sleeping in but they can't help it. That's why alarms exist, for you to hate on their existence despite them being the reason you're not late.

The younger's are up first, surprisingly. Jisung knows how to cook as he owns a café and Felix had learned a thing or two while working there since his mom was always the one cooking.

Something I won't be talking about is how surprised/shocked Ms.Lee was when Felix cooked breakfast one morning and woke up earlier than her just to do that.

Yes, she did take him to the hospital with some of the breakfast in the car for her to eat to try. How thoughtful! (She enjoyed it).

"Think about the doctor's face when you guys arrive!" Jisung laughed, they are currently talking about the incident. 

"You should have seen it! They probably thought we were crazy." Felix thought about it, was that the case?

The two were still laughing and it got a little loud, the cats were meowing like crazy for them to shut up. The two had to quiet down the laugh.

Felix can make a few things, of course, but he's not the best at cutting and that's what he's trying to do. Jisung saw it and went behind him to try and help him out but they are literally almost the same height and it's kind of hard to tell where the knife is and where the finger is being chopped.

"Move your head lower a bit." 

"You're breaking my neck.." 

"Just- a bit more." The two moved around, trying to find the right position and view.

"Jisung, just tell me what the hell to do-" I did mention the two were moving their heads about a lot, right? And by all of those orders they were giving each other, you can assume they were being loud enough for people to wake up. This time, however, no cats were awake to meow at them since they fell asleep after eating their fill. 

"What am I witnessing first thing in the morning?" The two backed away from each other when the deep morning voice woke them up and away from the accident kiss that occured in all the shifts and loudness. 

"Hyunjin!" Felix froze up, his appearance surprised the gut out of him. Jisung feels bad, it's been a few weeks since the two had been dating. They shouldn't have tried to cut vegetables in that position. 

Jisung quickly went to the stove to check on the remaining dishes they cooked, Felix stayed in his position from shock despite wanting to run away (A/N, because we love running away from our problems) when the older walked towards him.

Being loss for words, having no excuse to think of, and having low knowledge on how to save an argument that'll come or anything relationship-wise.

Hyunjin grabbed him by the throat, pulled him in, and sucked his breath out. Surprised, once again, by the reaction and sudden morning kiss. The raven didn't have time to think about it, he was sucked in the kiss, and his hands went to Hyunjin's shirt as he kissed him back, making out with him. The saliva drooled down outside his mouth. 

Hyunjin let go of Felix and pulled him close by the waist. 

"Who's your boyfriend?" Felix was in a daze, and he knew exactly who made him feel that good.

"Hyunjin." Felix pulled the shirt, kissed him once again and the make-out session started.

"Shit!" Jisung held his breath and whimpered when he was smacked good morning on the ass, smacking his husband back but on the arm.

"What are you fantasizing about?" Minho smirked at Jisung, the younger whispered it to him and left with a smirk on because he knew Minho will be railed up, his waist slightly showing from the small pajama shirt, and his ass swinging.

"Breakfast time, lovebirds." Jisung woke everyone up, and the other two separated after another peck.

"You taste like toothpaste," Felix said as Hyunjin fixed Felix's hair and outfit properly.

So, Hyunjin had woken up a bit early before the accident and had brushed his teeth?

"Perfect timing?" Hyunjin asked instead.

"I didn't know you were a kinky jealous." 

"I know that's how you like it in bed." That was the last whisper that shut Felix up as he was dragged to the table where everyone sat to eat together. 

"You guys should stay the night over more." Minho surprised everyone by the idea, Hyunjin especially, but he's not bothered by a bit of it as he fed his husband who's also shocked.

"What's the occasion?" Felix asked, eating his own breakfast. Hyunjin stared at Minho trying to see what's up.

Minho didn't look back nor does he seem to be overthinking it, the two looked to Jisung who just happens to be blushing.

Hyunjin saw the smirk on Felix, nudging him a shoulder and Felix whispered what was going on with them.

Under the table, however, was something else going on. Minho wasn't keeping his hands to himself and Jisung just might be in the heat of the moment from the request and this moment right here.

"Why are you so red, quokka?" Felix smacked his lips together as he took a bite out of his fork, smirking.

Jisung had his face looked down the entire breakfast, his face really red.

"Nothing, we should spend more time like this." The brunette nodded.

The couple teased Jisung, asking he should raise his head and the red on his cheek just got darker.

"Excuse me." Jisung went to put his plate away, his ears really red.

"And excuse me." Minho left with a wink as he took his plate and Jisung's glass that the other had forgotten.

"And we're alone." Hyunjin put his elbow on the table as he leaned on his palm, staring at the younger.

"And we'll clean, pop." Felix kissed Hyunjin's chin and made a sound, leaving with plates in his hand.

"Should we get ice cream?" Felix came back.

"And the plates?" Hyunjin pointed at the same plates that didn't move from the other's hand, smiling.

"Ice cream." Felix gave a forced, threating smile and Hyunjin got up.

Fucking hell, I saw something I shouldn't have!

"Another date-" Despite Felix's personality he couldn't leave the house without sorting the plates out so Hyunjin was forced into sorting the table with him and they left quietly.

"They left."

"Jagi, they cleaned the table. More time for us." Minho pulled Jisung by the hand and directed him to their room. Going ahead to also make the other's fantasy a reality.

The cats woke up and meowed, jumped on the table, broke a glass but a louder noise was coming from the bedroom.

The same day was being spent different by the four good friends.


You can overcome any difficulty.<3

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