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"It was a lie. All that time." Hyunjin pulled the younger's hand closer to himself and covered it from the coldness. His hand is freezing.


"The dislikes I mentioned wasn't a lie...taking you as a responsibility because you're chan's cousin was a lie." Hyunjin rubbed the other's hand, he didn't look up.

"Why.." Felix tried taking his hand back, he couldn't.

"Why are you lying? Am I this fucking easy for you?" Felix didn't bother with Hyunjin answering, when he tried pulling his hand back, instead he almost fell but then was able to stand stable with Hyunjin's help.

"I don't fuck around." Hyunjin took a step towards Felix, bring the raven's hand to his own again to interviewtheir fingers. Felix didn't know whether to stare at the man stepping close to him or their hands. His heart was slowly beating.

"I said don't try to act close, you don't even know me!" Hyunjin pulled Felix closer, wrapping the younger's waist with his arm.

"I have known you for the time you worked for me, it does excuse it." Hyunjin stared at him, felix's heart wasn't slowing down.

Shit, I can feel his arm around me..

"You being the only one in my room wasn't a lie either, Chan did say he never step foot in it. Did he not?"

"Whatever, I wanna go home. It's cold." Despite saying that and trying to separate their hands, he so badly wants to squeeze it instead..

"Of course, I'll drive you." Hyunjin said in a low genuine voice, Felix was dragged but before they were close enough for Hyunjin to open the front passenger's door, he halted. Hyunjin turned to Felix who stopped him.

"I never said anything about you driving me-," Hyunjin stepped closer to Felix, putting their interlocked hands in his jacket pocket.

"Do you want to freeze in this cold?" Hyunjin stared, worries shown in his eyes with curiosity.

"No, bu-" Felix couldn't stop the feelings in his body, his hand is still grasped around Hyunjin's and it's in his pocket!

"Then just listen to me, please. Let me do something meaningful." Felix pouted, his cheeks puffed out. Hyunjin smiled, dragged him to the car carefully and closed the door when Felix sat on the front passenger's seat.

He went out and sat in the driver's, waiting as they warm up. Felix didn't turn to Hyunjin, making the other assume he's still upset, instead he turned to the window where he pressed his head on, Hyunjin drove after a bit, Felix kept a smile to himself.

He had a hoodie on so he would touch his hand, hold his own hand the same way Hyunjin had, under his hoodie pocket.

Felix didn't see it but Hyunjin glanced at him a few times. He had a lot of doubts within himself, he's kind of doubting why was he even here. All that debating and not being close to Felix pressured him.

I guess the brownies turned out to not be the only snack I've come to be addicted to.

"Do you have an artist you want to play?" Hyunjin asked at a red light, turning to felix.

The younger still has his head against the window, his lips pouted. Hyunjin leaned a bit, turning his head to see closed eyes and a slightly opened mouth.

Despite the disappointment, he wanted to talk to Felix, Hyunjin clicked around the screen the car has to a soft calming song and then drove when the lights turned green.

The drive wasn't so bad, he tried not to go so fast, have Felix end up on the other side of the chair, or bump his head on the window. So, it was a pretty smooth drive.

When he arrived at the destination, feeling happy and familiar with the place, he got out of his side, took Felix out bridal style and went to the house. Before he could, try to, knock the door opened by it self. A surprised gasp came.

"My eyes wouldn't lying!" Ms.Lee slapped Hyunjin's arm lightly, helping to take Felix but Hyunjin insisted that he bring the other in and so he did.

"Do you remember where his room is?" Hyunjin just smiled and nodded, the mother closed the door as Hyunjin walked down the stairs.

Nothing changed...messy much.

There were clothes here and there, basket of broken things, etc but everything was pretty much the same.

He didn't have many other arms to slide the blanket to the foot of the bed so he had to do it the hard way, put the younger on the bed, somehow pull the blanket from under him and cover the raven with it. It wasn't as easy as you'd expect but at least Hyunjin had some of those muscles.

"Do you want to stay the night?" Ms.Lee came in, Hyunjin quite literally almost jumped. He didn't want to bother though but did end up staying the night.

He remembers this happening a few times back when Felix was still an employee and they were fake friends for his mother's sike. Ms.lee is quite a persuader and always made Hyunjin stay. Will they get close again?

"You keep getting better at making me stay." Hyunjin laughed making Ms.Lee smile. He got his own blanket and another extra pillow before Ms.Lee left for Hyunjin to sleep.

It wasn't a lie when Hyunjin said no one has been in his secret room. Also, no one has ever laid in bed with him, this will be another of the many chances with Felix.

He might get uncomfortable, it has been a while since I slept over.

The tiredness did end up keeping up with him so he tried to slowly lie on the bed, at the moment there was a lot of room for him since Felix was on the far right side.

Looks like no work for me tomorrow..

Hyunjin looked at the back of Felix.

I guess I could stay the morning as well.

Quite surprisedly, to him, he was able to sleep within 5 minutes or less when his head hit that pillow. The night wasn't so fast.

They both enjoyed their sleep, a history will past them from tonight, will it?

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