Chapter 16

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Season 1 Episode 16

Nova POV

As I flipped through the classified section of the newspaper, it occurred to me that I hadn't seen Camden have newspapers laying around, and even if she did, I wouldn't have expected them to be recent ones. My previous work was over, and I didn't need to show my face back there for an irate Stanley to yell at me. Stanley was one of those "you slip, you lose" types. He expected to treat you like garbage, and the instant you fought back, you had to hit the sacks. He started with six exquisite waitresses and ended up with only two, well, one because Reenea was still there, but I doubt she'll stay if she finds out I'm fired. What exactly am I saying? Stanley will happily deliver the news to her, and she will then resign and be out of work and be evicted from her residence, leaving her destitute. Whatever anyone says, this is entirely my responsibility.

I can't sleep tonight knowing Reenea is unemployed. On Camden's home phone, I dialed a new set of digits. I have a phone, but it has its own mind and only works when it wants to, and I really can't blame the poor thing because we've gone through thick and thin since college. It's past time for it to go.

When I phoned a firm and they said they had already found someone to fill that position, I let out a big sigh. There wasn't much I could do because I dropped out of college due to a lack of financial help.

My fingers browse through the huge list of jobs, but half of them are uninteresting. When I see a Pretty flower pendant necklace with a petite cutout flower pattern and a flowery cluster of produced white sapphire stones, my eyes enlarge. My fingertips skim against the floral pattern.

"It's so beautiful." I muttered.

"I've gotten it for you, Nova." Her deep voice spoke directly into my ear, the blood flowed to my cheeks, painting it red. I could feel her hands softly stroking around my neck, and when the chilly chain hit my flesh, goosebumps rose on me.

"I thought of you the moment I saw it." She takes my hand in hers and gives me tender pecks all the way up to my shoulder.

"You appear distressed. You have a frown on your face."

I tried to smile to make everything go away. I wouldn't want to bother her with my problem; she's not here for that. My gaze travels over her figure, which is dressed so elegantly in a cut royal blue suit. Everything she's ever worn has fit her perfectly. Her hair was pulled back as usual, and her skin was scented to perfection. I wish I could scent her all day.

"I urgently require employment." I muttered. I was hesitant to approach her about it. I don't want to inform her about my situation. They are, after all, MY issue. I should repair them.

"I can take care of you." She made a proposal. But I quickly shook my head and squirmed free of her grip. I can't have her treating me like I'm a child. I understand that when someone offers assistance, you accept it, but not this sort of assistance. That is a lot of money, and even if I wanted it, I don't think I deserve to be spent like way. I just have to put in the effort.

"I'm afraid I can't take your money. I apologize. I had to work really hard for it. That's how my mother raises me."

"Independent. It's fantastic. But every now and again, you need a little push. I'll do anything to close the gap."

"I apologize. I must labor for it."

I relaxed as I felt her wrap her arms around me. It feels great to have her touch me like this, so peaceful and relaxed. Her heartbeat was normal, and my head rested precisely there, and her touch felt so relaxing as I snuggled deep within.

"Cook for me, then."

"You want me to cook for you?" I inquired. My tone is laced with skepticism. She shifts my gaze over my shoulder with her knuckles, allowing me to glimpse her lovely green Gems for eyes.

"You wanted a job, so I gave you one, and we solved the problem." If you like, you may cook for me and stay here. If you do not wish to remain. Roger can take you home, but I'd rather you remain. Having you in my bed makes me happy."

Hearing this fills my heart with unfathomable delight. If she says anything else, it could burst.

"I want to stay in your bed."

"Great, I wouldn't have it any other way."

My legs buckled as she closed the gap between us and planted a delicate kiss on my lips. Her lips were lingering, so I licked her bottom lips. It has a delicious coffee flavor, she made me like coffee. If she knew how she made me feel.

"What should I make for dinner?"

"You cook dry leaves and worm, and I eat it."

"You won't eat that silly," I chuckled.

"We'll just have to wait and see what one day." She winked and then pecked my forehead. When her grip on me was released, chill swept across my body.


Camden POV

"You have that smile on your face all day; don't tell me you're daydreaming about Sophie?" Angelina moaned. My brow wrinkled as I realized I hadn't thought about her in days. Was I so preoccupied with Nova that I forgot about the love of my life? She's the love of my life, right? My one heart true desire right? My entire being?

"Or is it the attractive shy and innocent waitress? She's a real character." She spoke out, making a dramatic gesture with her hands. As anyone may anticipate, her romp provided comfort on the edge of my desk. Sophie was envious when she caught her in this precise posture on my desk.

"Her name is Nova."

"Hmm..." she mused, "I don't think she's for you."

"Who said anything about us in a relationship?" I scoffed.

"You're telling me you haven't considered getting into a rhythm with her. For crying out loud, I saw you this morning as well, and I observed how you both gazed at each other, especially her. That girl is head over heels in love."

"Can we not talk about relationships, love, and commitment?" It makes me nauseous, frightened, and tingling on the inside."

"She's so pure and youthful, Camden. She is madly in love. She's a young girl in love, and I don't think you should go any farther if you don't intend to take the next step."

"And I said to knock it off. I know exactly what I'm doing."

"She's not coming back," she groaned. "So progressed. It's not healthy, so you think she'll waltz back into your life and you two can get a move on. It's not a film."

"You have no idea how damaged and torn I am, Angelina. So don't tell me to move on. Thinking about her, is all I have."

"No, it isn't. Nova has the potential to be so much more for you. Don't make your damaged self, break a piece of her." She counseled. She appears to have it as if I were to play her in certain games. We are obviously two mature people, and even though I know where we're going, I know I won't let her go.

"She makes me feel alive, and I love that."

"I understand, but if you don't play this right, you'll suck everything she has and before you know it, she'll be just as broken as you."

"Get back to work." My tone was solemn. I was essentially fleeing the situation.

Because I didn't want to end myself in a bigger vortex than I already was upstairs in my thoughts. 

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