Chapter 13

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Season 1 Episode 13

Nova POV

"Are you certain she did nothing suspicious with you and that you are just covering for her?" Reenea inquired.

"She treated me well," I said.

"Did you guys have any sex?"

Her direct inquiry makes me flush. We didn't have sex, and I doubt we'll ever get that far. She's low on me completely touching her, and I can't get the thought out of my brain that her ex-fiancé could definitely touch her.

"We didn't."

"That blush doesn't look like you guys did nothing."

"No, we didn't. We merely kissed, and she touched me there." I keep my voice low.

She throws away the whole contents of her tip jar. "Did you want her to touch your pussy?"

I blush slightly, "did you have to say it so raw?"

"Isn't that the name for down there?" She started counting under her breath as I nodded. When she received the outcome of her tip, she rolled her eyes.

"I swear to God, I hate this fucking place, these fucking people, and this fucking boss."

"What exactly happened?"

"I got what appears to be a $300 tip, and you know the work rules that we have to give the boss half of what we make. This jerk of a boss takes half after I expressly told him that I need this week's tip in addition to my income to pay for my blasted rent and power bills."

She pulled off her apron and made her way to the rear, tip in hand.

"Where are you going?" I trailed close behind.

"I'm going to tell that dirty, flaky jerk a piece of my damn mind." She pushed towards the door that goes to our boss's leer, but I swiftly grabbed her. She will lose her work if she tells Stanley what she thinks, as selfish as this may sound. I didn't want her to abandon me with him. Reenea's outgoing personality makes my workdays more tolerable.

"Please let me go, Nova. So I'll be able to tell him the truth."

I shook my head, "How much money do you need for this week?" I probed while bringing her into the back alley. She immediately pulls a pack of cigarettes and a lighter from her bosom and lights one. She reached out to offer me one, but I respectfully declined.

"That jerk needs to know we have a life. I'll be homeless if I don't pay my rent this week, and with my credit score, I won't be able to get an apartment." Her tone was tinged with frustration.

"How much money do you need this week?"

"About 1000, but it could be less." She murmurs.

"Alright," I say, dipping my hands inside my apron pocket.

Camden left a large tip this morning, and since it did not reach the tip jar, I don't have to and will not share it with Stanley. Stanley was just a cruel old man. He was making a lot of money from the shop. Our tips should be for ourselves.

When I bring out a bundle of cash, Reenea's eyes widen. She looks around and pushes my hands down. "Where do you get that kind of money?"


"Well, did you rob a bank or have a side hustle that I'm not aware of?" she smirked.

"Camden gave me at least $2,000 in tips this morning. I've been urging her to quit lavishing me with huge tips. I'm comfortable with her simply leaving me a $100 tip—"

Let Me Touch You...Please (Girlxintersex)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن