Chapter 5

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Season 1 Episode 5

Nova POV

My neck extends to glimpse the building's summit. The blazing sun glaring through the glass panel made it much more difficult. People rushed in and out, and a couple shoved me on the shoulder. My fragile body entered the elegant structure. My eyes sweep the area, noticing a few security guards. I rapidly make my way to the front desk receptionist. Her beautiful brunette hair flocked over her face as she bent forward, perhaps reading a book. She held the phone in one hand and flipped through the pages with the other. As I got closer, I could see how she was dressed in her blue and white skirt suit.

She chatted professionally, and when she saw me, a big smile sprang on her face.

I waited patiently as she spoke and then hung up the phone.

"Hello, which floor should these coffees go to?" She inquires.


Camden didn't say which floor she was on, but given her position as the boss, I wouldn't be shocked if she was on the top floor. I set the coffee and muffin down on my desk. So I could look in my purse for the key card.

"Camden Bore gave me this." I muttered, hooking my fingers on the plastic card and showing it to her. Her smile faded as her eyes darted up and down.

"Are you sure, Ms. Bore, gave you this?" Her formerly welcoming tone has now drained away. I gulped as I began, fidgeting with the card.

"It was last night. I work at a coffee shop and opted to deliver it today because it is my day off." Line in my throat from anxiousness and excitement. But I can definitely sense the vibe shift.

"You're certain you didn't steal from her?" She snarled and reached for the key card, but I backed away.

"I didn't steal anything." I spoke quietly and gently. Despite the fact that I am now wrongly convicted of something I did not commit. Even when things are tough, I will never steal from anyone.

"Security! Take her!" She let out a cry.

Within seconds, strong hands grabbed mine and dragged me toward the desk. My gaze was drawn to the name plate.

"Ms. Nest, I didn't steal anything." I could feel my heart racing at my ribs, my fingers becoming hot and clammy, and my eyes widening as I searched for a way out.

"One way to clarify this and is to go to Ms. Bore herself." She sneered, spinning on her heels and motioning for the security guard to accompany me.

What did I get myself into?


Camden POV

I fiddled with my fingers to pass the time during the conference. People frequently believe that managing a company is a dream come true, but managing a company while also dealing with mental health concerns, crashing slowly, and other personal issues is a no-no for me.

My eyes squinted till it seemed double on the projector screen. Investment is a major risk, and my job is simply to invest blindly in a firm that you don't know if it will fall or not.

"Are you following, Ms. Bore?" Mr. Odin inquired, his bored brown eyes looking at me over the glasses that sat atop his nose. I sat up in my chair, a forced grin on my lips, and rolled my eyes.

"With all due respect, Mr. Odin, this isn't a classroom, and you're just looking for my money to invest in your company, isn't it?" My query, like the others in the room, perplexes him. I hope these businesspeople would be truthful with me.

I have a lot of money and successful businesses, and you would want to take a portion of my money and invest it in your tiny business. Don't show me a dull portfolio on a projector.

"I... I'm just wondering if you're following along, Ms. Bore."

"I'm following. But I'd appreciate it if you could finish it. I have to return to my office in five minutes." I informed them. I looked at my watch before tapping it. As I sank back into my comfort zone, I couldn't help but think about Nova. Sure enough, I knew her name before she did. She's been my waitress for almost three months now, and I finally worked up the confidence to talk to her two days ago.

"Are you there, Ms. Bore?" Mr. Odin business assistance asked. Her piercing silver eyes bore into the depths of my soul.

"Why should I put even a cent of my money into a fast-food chain when there are so many scattered throughout the city? The city is literally drowning in greasy food, which is making its residents overweight."

"Well, our fast-food chain will be unique in that we will provide healthy options."

"Do you mean veggie burgers with more oil than regular burgers?"

"However, if you look at the statistics, Ms. Bore—"

"Enough!" My voice rang out. "I will pay you $2.3 million for 5% of the company."

"Well, we were thinking $3 million for a 3% stake in the company."

I sighed at these knuckle heads. They want your money while also instructing you how to spend it. I nod, not wanting to stay at this meeting any longer. If the company fails, they must pay me more. It's not really my issue. I stand up right away.

"This meeting has concluded. Angelina, please check to see if they are out and arrange another appointment with them, then tell me."

I checked the clock to make sure I had enough time for Nova to arrive. She'll most likely appear during her lunch break. When I opened the door and looked down the corridor, I saw Mr. Ran carrying a weeping Nova. He was dragging her little arms. I hurry along the corridor.

"What exactly is going on here?" Let her go." I grit.

"She's stole your key card, Ms. Bore." Nia said, her gaze fixed on her.

"Let her go!" I make a stronger demand. He lets her go softly, and she jumps into my arm, wrapping her small hands around me. My muscles tensed as my arms moved slowly around her trembling body.

I could feel her small quick heartbeat, punching on my stomach, while her silky chocolate brown hair scattered across my suit, concealing her face.

"Did they do anything to you?" I questioned her quietly, attempting to get her little arms away from my body, but she had a death grasp on me. I sigh, softly removing her hair off her face, her baby blue eyes peering up at me.

"I didn't steal the card." Her lips were trembling. I shake my head. My gaze was drawn to Ms. Nest and Mr. Ran.

"I'll take care of you later. But you allowed her in every time you saw her, and I want every receptionist and security officer to know about her."

"Yes, Ms. Bore." Mr. Ran murmurs. He, like Nia, turns away. My gaze softens as I stare at the amazed girl. Tears form beneath her eyes, which I gently brush away. I couldn't help but drown in her blue sea.

"They've taken the coffee and the muffin." She cries.

"Don't worry. Come on." I murmur, "But first you have to let me go."

She rapidly leaps away from my body, and I find myself missing her warmth and her jasmine aroma. Her eyes was drawn to the ground. Her fingers fiddled with each other nervously before she bit on her lips and spoke something so faint I almost didn't hear it.

"I am deeply sorry." 

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