Chapter 10

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Season 1 Episode 10

Camden POV

As I stepped out of the car, I noticed Nova curled up on the wall. Her eyes glistened with tears, and I knew she had just stopped sobbing.

I approach her, and when she notices me, she puts her hands behind her back and rocks innocently. Her eyes returned to me with an innocence I'd never seen before, and I felt like such a jerk for ignoring her.


"What brings you here? At a place like this?" As I inquire, my tone is disappointed. I never imagined she'd be in a situation like this. She unclasped her arms and wrapped them about her little frame. I sigh and remove my jacket, laying it over her shoulder. Her response to my query is still pending. She started speaking just as I was going to ask her a question.

"I expressed my feelings to Reenea, and she suggested that I go to the club and drink to forget about you. Because I couldn't take my mind off you. I am—"

"It's alright. I'm not upset."

"You certainly aren't." She sniffled. I could see she was fighting to stand up as the alcohol numbed her joints and rendering her stable.

"All right, let's go. I'm bringing you to my house." I murmured. When I come into contact with her, my body shivers. I felt so alive every time I touched, and I despise it. All I want is to be alive with Sophie. Sophie is the one I'm looking for. No, not her.

"Hey!" Someone screamed. They poison lined their tone.

I turned around to see the enraged redhead female racing towards me at full speed. Nova was then yanked from my grasp. I was trying to control my wrath as my jaws gritted.

"You dirty cunt, don't you dare fucking touch her!" I could detect a tiny British accent in her voice. Her red hair complements her crimson face.

"I'm taking her home." I spoke it as gently as politely as my voice could manage.

"You intend to rape her! You filthy scumbag!"

"No! No!" Nova sobbed, her hands covering her ears. "I wanted to accompany her. She's not a nasty person at all."

The angry girl drew her into an embrace and softly stroked her shoulder. But shortly after, she backed away from her and stepped beside me, leaving a small gap. "I'll accompany her. I'll be fine."

"Are you sure." She inquired more quietly.

"Yes, and I promise to call you again tomorrow." She hung her head down, making a little sniffling sound as she crawled inside the car. My gaze returns to the enraged girl. Her teeth were clenched.

"You play with her. I don't care if you're wealthy or successful. I'm going to slash you and kill you." She threatened, her breath stinking of booze. I doubt she'll accept a ride from me merely to be safe, given her recent actions.

"You'd best look after her. She doesn't have anyone." She regrettably mumbled the final bit before heading back to the club. I could hear stronger sniffles as soon as I got in the car.

"What's wrong?"

She shook her head as she curled up in the car seat's corner, her feet huddled up to her breast and her chin resting between her thighs. Whimpers escape her lips every now and again.

"Come on over here."

"You're going to get mad at me and run away again," she shakes her head.

My heart sank as I heard her tortured voice and realized I was causing such rapture between us. Even though I don't want her near to me, I can't help but crave it.

My body scoots closer to hers and gently lifts her onto my lap; her petite body snuggles into my arm, her cool nose nuzzles between my neck and shoulders, sending shivers down my spine. Her shaking body told me she was either afraid or chilly.

"I am deeply sorry." She said softly, melting my heart. Every day, she chipped away at the hard, frigid wall I'd erected around myself. I believed Sophie was the only lady capable of tearing it down, but it appears that someone else was doing it. Her shaking body came to a halt in front of me, and I looked down to see she was asleep.


Nova POV

My body sinks further into the warm, fluffy bed. Even though my eyes were closed, I could feel the silky sheets enveloping my fingers as they hooked in it. I muttered a satisfied groan. But my attack on the bed was cut short when I heard a throaty cough, as if they didn't want to wake me awake. But who could it possibly be? Whose bed was I in? It was technically possible to find out if I opened my eyes and faced the stranger.

Did I take Reenea's offer and go home with a stranger, letting him or her have their way with me?

I let out one more sigh as I flutter my eyelids open, astonished that the sun's brilliance pricked me. A massive headache strikes me like a ton of bricks, and I gasp in pain. I forgot about the stranger I was hoping to see.

"Ouch!" My slurred voice grunts.

"Hey." As the gentle voice reached my ears, it seemed like calming music. Their warm palm brushed over my back, massaging soothing circles there. "Are you all right, Love?"

My eyes widen as I peek over my shoulder and discover its Camden. I make a blink. Then back up and move away from her.

Her face flashed with agony as I moved away from her, but as soon as I opened my eyes again, she hid her true feelings.

I took a peek around the huge bedroom. If my heart wasn't so busy hammering out my little chest, I would have gone insane at how gorgeous her room looked. The spaciousness, the black and white furnishings, and the overall volume of the room put my flat to shame.

"Where am I?" It was evident that I was at her house if I could smack myself for asking such a stupid question.

But how did I get here? Oddly, I couldn't recall, or at least not yet, or perhaps I spoke too soon since I remembered phoning her and pouring my heart and soul out to her.

"I picked you up from the club and couldn't take you home to fend for yourself."

I look down to see my fingers clasped in sheets, and those black silky sheets stuck to my body. I gazed at her, then pushed the blankets back to reveal my body. It wasn't my dress. Panic spread throughout my body. Did I have sex with her? Did she take advantage of me?

Oh hush! She would never do such a thing if anyone was to take advantage of, it would be me.

I strangely can't keep my hands to myself and really want to touch or have her touch me. There's something about her that I don't understand.

"Don't be concerned. We didn't do anything. You just changed your clothes and went to bed."

"That's all." I inquired, disappointed. Clearly, I desired more.

"You've had me worried sick. When you said you were at a club." She murmured.

Looking at her, she doesn't appear to have gotten a wink of sleep, and oh no! She have work. I am such a horrible person.

I woke her up from her beauty slumber and forced her to cope with my mess, and she now resembles a walking zombie. As remorse washed over me like dread, tears pricked my eyes.

"Hey," her gentle voice interrupted my thoughts. "Picking you up and having you right here is so much safer."

"But I ruined your work schedule."

"You didn't, I called Angelina and told her I wouldn't be in today."


"Yes, we will be spending the day together."

My eyes widened as I desired nothing more than to leap into her arms and inhale her men's fragrance. She rose up and I saw her unlock her closet door and take out a white t-shirt.

"Take a shower, and then meet me back here. That's the restroom." She said, pointing to a door, "Towels are inside."

I nodded.

She knelt down and gave me a kiss on the forehead, which warmed my tummy.

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