Chapter 6

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Season 1 Episode 6

Nova POV

The first thing I noticed as Camden motioned me inside her office was the breathtaking vista of the concrete jungle. Skyscrapers stack on top of each other like a child with Legos. The sun had come to a halt at this point, casting an angry glare through each glass skyscraper. Anyone would feel the fury of the sun if her air conditioner wasn't screaming up a chilly storm in the office. My worn-out flat sneakers paddled quietly towards the couch, which wasn't far from her well-kept office desk.

Her gentle green eyes trailed over me as she sauntered towards me and instantly took a seat.

I flush as I direct my sight to the light grey couch, feeling its silky texture. But, strangely, I could feel her gaze striking the top of my head like a hammer.

"Please accept my apologies. I'll make certain that doesn't happen again. When you return here, the entire building will recognize you."

As she stated this, a faint grin appeared on my lips. It makes me question why she is going out of her way for a lowly waitress like myself. I sway my feet while laughing at my foolish reflection in the tile floor.

"Do you have to get back to work?"

I shake my head, making funny faces.

"Today is my day off." I halted my stupid motion and turned to face her.

"Do you have anything else planned for the rest of the day?" She inquired.

"Nope. I just bought some coffee and muffins for you and me to enjoy, but I was unable to bring them up with me. I did not take your card. You handed it to me in the park yesterday." I clarified.

"Yes, I did, and I'll make sure they pay for how they treated you."

"You don't have to do that," I chuckle. They're simply doing their jobs, after all. Remember, you have a lot of detractors, thus the security guards must be present." I give her my declaration of comprehension.

"As an apology, do you want to spend the rest of the day at the office with me?" Her voice becomes shaky at the conclusion. She doesn't seem certain she wants to ask me the question. But my eyes widened as I realized I'd be spending the entire day with her; at the very least, I'd get to know her better.

"Yes!" I squealed out. I flung my mouth over my mouth and said, "Yes." I spoke more softly. She chuckled as she came to a halt, strolling towards the enormous city overlook.

"I bet it's beautiful at night." I murmur as I rise up and walk over to where she was.

I imagined the city light pouring through these glass panels, blinding me much more than the sun.

"This wasn't my dream." She admitted having a sorrowful tone in her voice. When I peek over at her, I notice her head tilted to the side to hide her feelings. I wouldn't dare to tell her she had to display it. Especially after what the media has done to her. She has every right to go into shutdown mode and never come back.

"I wanted to live in the city, but as I got older, I realized I'd rather be a country rat."

"Why don't you just relocate there?" You have the funds to purchase the land and construct."

"Life." She croaked out before turning away and returning to her work. At the same moment, a blonde-haired preppy girl walks into the office. Her hips wobble till her buttocks rest on the edge of Camden's desk. Camden gives out a little grumble as she rubs her template.

"Yes, Angelina, what can I assist you with right now?"

Her huge uncontrolled grin had transformed into a pout, and she had miraculously pulled a tablet from under her armpit. My eyes widened when I realized it was the girl she was on the phone with.

"Well, the meeting with Mr. Odin and his goons is going to be next month on the fifth and—" she cut herself off mid-sentence as she saw I was gazing at her in awe. Camden's personal assistant, she appears to be. Before working my way up in any organization, I wanted to be a personal assistant.

"Hey, there!" She hopped off the desk, laying the iPad on it, and walked towards me, a broad grin on her face. Her well-manicured nails and freshly painted hand reached out for a shake. I grabbed it and gave it a short shake before returning my hand to my side.

"Who might you be?"


"My name is Nova Southern." I blushed as her eyes pierced into my soul; she was at least three inches taller than me. But it appears that we had the same physical form. Although I must say that her trousers suit suits her really well, and I hope I can pull it off one day when I obtain a job comparable to hers.

"Nova, you say?... Hmm?" Her gaze is drawn to Camden, who appears to be poring through a large portfolio. "Camden!" Camden swiftly raises her head out of the paperwork, staring at her.

"What?" Her tone was monotone.

"How did I not know about Ms. Southern here have an appointment with you. Did you make a call for—"

"Relax, Angelina; she's the lady friend I mentioned."

Angelina's little eyes enlarge, and I find it rather amusing how they fail to widen.

"Oh, she did tell me about you. But I never received a name or a face. Now I can add two and two." She stated this with a lovely smile on her face.

"I had no idea she could make friends. I assumed she made you up."

"Angelina." Camden barks a warning.

"I hope you don't chase her away or she runs away from you. There was no pun intended." She mumbles as she returns to her desk and resumes her assignment on her tablet.

"Do I have any appointments?"

"Today, Mr. Odin is the only one. So, effectively, you're free, which means I'm free to explore the premises. So I'll leave it to you." She smirked and started walking backwards towards the door.

She appeals to me.


My eyes are closing while I try to keep them open. Technically, I wasn't very good at it. I had no idea the office could be so dull. Camden and I didn't talk much because she was busy going over paperwork and signing a few. She would sometimes look over at me for a minute or two before asking if I wanted something to eat, to which I always said.


I threw off my flat shoes and set my bag on the floor before stretching out my aching limbs on the plush couch. It's not every day that I get to lie on soft stuff like this, and my body is in desperate need of rest. I work virtually every day, and when I do have a day off, I generally use it to do laundry, go grocery shopping, and get some shut-eye.

I know I didn't do much today since I gave up everything to watch someone work, but I would do it again in a heartbeat. The way her brows meet when she doesn't comprehend anything, to her randomly snapping her fingers, is incredibly cute.

I'd spend the rest of my life listening to it.

I close my eyes for a second and then open them, surprised to see Camden's face directly in front of mine.

"Do you want to go to sleep?"

My teeth play with my bottom lips, and I nod in a fog as I stare at her. I could see her defined jawline closely, and if she wasn't so afraid of a simple touch, I'd run my fingertips down it curiously. Her silky lips move, but I don't hear anything.

"Uh?" I inquired.

"Do you want to sleep in the room I have upstairs or stay here?"

"Here." My tiny voice mumbles. I didn't want to be too far from her. I need to hear her babbling crazy phrases and sporadically popping her joints. When her fingers ghosted so sweetly across my face, it was as if she didn't want to touch me, my breath seized in my lungs. Her face crept closer to mine, causing my heart to pound and strange things to happen in my stomach. I felt the fuzz of her lips softly push against my forehead. This was the third time we've had physical contact, and it's driving me insane.

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