Chapter 3

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Season 1 Episode 3

Nova POV

"Hey!" I called after Camden as I saw her towering form hustle through the crowded downtown streets.

I dashed between people to catch up with her. She took another corner, and I let out another volley of yells.

"HEY, CAMDEN!" I yelled harder, and she came to a halt, slowly turning around. When she spotted me, a puzzled expression appeared on her face. Her hands were crammed inside both of her slacks, which makes me wonder where the briefcase went. Don't tell me it was stolen from her. I finally made it in front of her while trying not to pant heavily.

"I'd like to apologize..." I took a deep breath. "And that I can't accept a $1,000 tip. That's highway robbery."

I put the money into her chest, and she immediately backs up from my contact. My eyes widened as I realized I was most likely bothering her.

"I am deeply sorry." I remarked as I looked down at my kicking feet on the pavement. "I... I just can't accept this, Ms. Bore, and please accept my apologies for calling you a jerk."

"Why are you so sorry?" Her heavy monotone tone inquired. "Would you have felt bad if you hadn't known?"

"I..." I paused because I couldn't answer the question. I was just interested in the odd gossip subjects. I had no intention of hurting anyone. My fingers gripped the straps of my bag as my mind went blank for an explanation.

"Please don't hate me or see me as less."

"But you already have."

I could feel her forest eyes blazing down on me, making me even smaller than I was. I managed to give her a remorseful expression.

"Please don't give me that look. I despise that expression." She groaned softly. Her gaze had shifted elsewhere, away from me.

"What look?"

"That expression. The appearance of which you know everything just by a name. My name." She averted her face away from me, hiding her wounded look. So much anguish. Heck, I believe affluent folks have it easy, how naive of me.

"How do you feel?" I leaned out to touch her, but she retreated.

"She abandoned you there, and you must deal with the aftermath. For a full month, the media focused on it, and..." I came to a halt in my rambling when I heard a faint whimper.

"I am deeply sorry."

"Well, I don't want pity from you or anyone else. I'm fine." She snapped, her voice unsteady, and I could see she was crying. She was little more than a stranger to me, yet she didn't deserve what had happened to her.

"What brings you here? On this side of town?"

"My walk. Until you interrupted me to ask for a tip you really need."

"Well, I am not Charity." I murmured as I handed her the money. However, she shook her head, and I sighed.

She always offers 100 tips, which I accept, but 1000 dollars is just out of pocket for me to accept, even if it might pay off all of my expenditures for a month.

"Serving you coffee and a stale piece of cake doesn't deserve 1000."

"How much do you think you deserve?" She scowled. When a vehicle stopped beside us, I realized it was her driver. He took a step outside and opened the rear door. Camden motioned for me to enter, but I shook my head. She had given me too much money before, and now she was offering me a ride home.

"Get into the car." Her tone was harsh, and I gulped, looked up the road before taking a cautious step towards the door.

I took a step forward, and she followed. She sat at the far end of the vehicle, although I am only a few inches away from her. Was it because she disliked physical contact, or because I am a stranger?

"Where to?"

"Princeton Avenue." I mumbled inconveniently. I'm constantly ashamed of where I live. Princeton Avenue was like a slum; the apartments were run down for a high monthly rent that almost no one could afford, therefore at least five or more tenants were evicted each month. I, on the other hand, was on the edge of having my buttocks thrown on the streets.

I watched as the driver entered the address and drove away.

It was a twenty-minute walk from the Cafe to my place, so I knew the travel would be reduced in half with a car.

"Are you going to take back the money?"

She shook her head, pulling out her phone, which I couldn't stop staring at. My eyes glanced across, attempting to read her message, but she instead receives an income call from a caller id, Angelina. I'm suddenly intrigued who this was. It's most likely her new girlfriend, whom she planned to marry.

"Yes, Angel, I am aware of my tardiness. I'll be there shortly." She remarked as she hastily hung up the phone.

The automobile came to a gradual halt, and before I could open my side of the door, the driver was already there. I took a step outside, my head down. I circled to the tiny gate that opens to the flat and sprang as I sensed a presence behind me. I looked over my shoulder and saw Camden. She wasn't physically touching, yet she was close enough to sense her aurora.

"Where are you going?" I inquired, perplexed.

"Ensuring your safe return home."

"But everything here is fine." I leaned against the door, my finger teasing the handle. Her piercing look spoke so much as she licked her delicate lips. I take a deep breath before turning around and opening the door. "The elevator has broken down." I muttered as we passed the elevator and began up the filthy levels. "Are you certain you don't want to turn around?"

"No." Her grumpy voice came near to my face, causing me to freeze on the steps, but she kept walking ahead of me as if she knew where she was going. I dash up the steps to keep up with her. I open the door and walk her to the far end of the tiny corridor. While she rested against the wall, I stood awkwardly at the entrance.

"Aren't you going to come in?" I choke as I glance up at her. Under the strong apartment lighting, I could see how beautiful she looked. She has a strong jawline and a button nose.

Her hands were typically lying in her jeans, her work shoes pounding nervously on the murky floor while she waited for me to answer the door.

"Do you always wear suits?" I was making small chat while silently struggling to open my flat door. I've always wanted to replace the lock, but with my rent being late, asking for a specific service was just out of the question.

"It's part of my work uniform." She responded. Her stare caused me to fumble with the keys, which slid from my grasp and fell to the floor. I immediately bent, grabbed it up, and resumed my struggle with the door.

When it finally opened, I let out a sigh of relief.

As I strain to bid her farewell, I rest my entire body weight on the door. Should I give her a hug or a handshake in exchange for such a generous tip?

"Th-thanks for everything." I moved my body away from the door and began to take little steps in front of her. She is stunning. "Can I... May I hug you?" I inquired, intrigued. She shook her head, gave me a little grin, but then gently bowed her head and moved away, leaving me perplexed. I was strangely disappointed that I couldn't embrace her. 

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