Part 74 <December>

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*I know I took my damn time alright*

Tom: You ready?

Y/n: Yeah, I can do this!

I gave him a small reassuring smile before slowly standing up from the hospital bed while using the mattress as a support. After laying here for 4 months in coma, it was kinda hard to move and it hurt, but it wasn't impossible to do so. So I was assuring Tom the whole time that I'm ready to go home and that I've been in the hospital long enough, but Tom being Tom, overprotective and possessive over me, he insisted on me to stay in the hospital for the rehabilitation...another month. Do you think I had a word in it? Nope. Even the doctor insisted so.

So I stayed. I was able to get my color back and some more meat on my bones since Eric was practically starving me for weeks and then I was in the coma, I got really skinny. I didn't mind the flat belly though, so I was assuring Tom that I don't have to eat that much and that I like the way I'm finally skinny, but we only got into an argument about it. It wasn't an aggressive one, it was calm, gentle even. He said there's no way he'll leave me like this and he basically ordered me to eat at least 4 times a day. Breakfast, lunch, snack and dinner. It wasn't easy on the start. I wasn't able to eat cooked meals and I even threw up couple times. But that was just the first week. Tom was really concerned though. But then my tummy got used to it again and finally digested what I ate.

Back to the rehabilitation, I couldn't even stand on my own the first week, so walking wasn't even a question, but the second week, I started making a progress and actually was able to walk....with Tom's chest glued to my back and a supporting pair of arms around my waist to make sure I wouldn't fall. He was really concerned and wanted to suggest that I'd be here for another month. He actually didn't want me to leave the bed. He didn't want me to walk. He said I should be taking it easy. But the way he wanted it, was way too easy. So I declined. He threw a tantrum for the rest of the day, but couldn't ignore me or stay mad at me for long. I just laughed at that.

The third week passed by and I was able to walk on my own but I often tripped or lost my balance. I was using walls for a support most of the time. Of course Tom didn't take his eyes off of me and was standing very, very close to me when I tired to walk on my own. The fourth week wasn't much better, but I sure as hell made some progress. I'm still having trouble to keep my balance, but my knees aren't trembling anymore.

And that leads to this moment. I'm finally leaving the hospital. In the evening. It's currently 6:38 PM and we're after dinner.
I stood up from the bed, Tom immediately opened his arms, pulled my waist and forced me to transfer my weight onto him. I just scoffed.

Y/n: Jeez, I'm fine.

Tom: There's nothing wrong with taking it easy, my love.

Y/n: I was taking it easy this whole month!

Tom: I'll help you change.

Y/n: You don't have t-

I yelped as he totally ignored my whining and did his thing. He undressed me slowly and carefully. At least I'm wearing my underwear.

 At least I'm wearing my underwear

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