Part 11 <I Love You> - Spicy (Edited)

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He mumbled into the kiss.

Tom: Your lips taste amazing!

He pulled me impossibly closer to him and I let a small moan escape my mouth, regretting it instantly. I can't give in this easily....He tried to choke me last night and don't even get me started about the research I did yesterday. The idea of that all being true terrifies me!

I pulled away after a minute and looked on the ground, unable to make an eye contact with him. He's looking at my eyelids, hoping that they will open. I can tell. I can feel his intense gaze.

Tom: Don't you dare ever think that I don't love you.

I stayed silent. What the hell does he mean he "loves" me? He doesn't even know me. Sure, he has informations about me and he's stalking me since the first day I arrived, but he knows nothing about my personality.

Tom: I love you Y/n. And I'm so sorry for what I did yesterday. I was just mad, not even at you and I lost control...

I sighed. I just want to leave. I had high expectations and that's all my fault. I thought we could get to know each other better and then maybe start dating someday, but he's just as toxic as my ex... He showed me his red flag yesterday.

Y/n: It's okay, I don't care anymore. I just...I'd like to leave please. And don't follow me. Don't contact me. Just leave me alone...

Tom: Y/n....

Y/n: I mean, I don't know if there's a point in saying "don't follow me" when you already know my address, because you're a stalker...

Tom: I know that that's what you think of me. But please, give me a chance! I'll prove you that I'm worth a try!

Y/n: Worth a try..? You really...want me that much? What are you fighting for? Most of the guys would just give up already.

Tom: Well, I'm not "most of the guys."

He's getting under my skin. He's acting normally again. No signs of aggression.. Like yesterday before the ride to my house. I kinda like this side of him, but who knows when he'll switch to that side which wants to strangle me to death? He's obviously dangerous. And the websites I saw yesterday...does
he have a gun right now? Tucked behind his pants?

Tom: Say something. I can see that you're lost in thought.

Y/n: .....

Tom: ....Please. Let me make it up to you.

Make it up to me? How?

Y/n: ...How?

Tom: However you want. Whatever you want. I'll get you absolutely anything. I'll take you anywhere and everywhere. Just say the word.

I'm not gonna lie, this could be worth a try. He did a scene yesterday, yes, and I really was terrified of him, he's...acting differently...

Y/n: Do you really mean all that..?

Tom: Yes. I do. So what do you say?

I'm probably gonna regret this.

Y/n: .....One last chance then....

Tom smiled and kissed me again. I finally looked up into his eyes. But that was something I should think about beforehand, because he noticed my red, puffy eyes from last night.

Tom: Baby, have you been crying the whole night?

He looked at me worriedly and cupped my cheeks gently, before he started stroking them with his thumbs.
Damn it! I totally forgot about it! I can't believe it! Now I have to come up with something. He doesn't need to know about my ex.

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