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*This is proof-read, but Microsoft Word isn't working right so I wasn't able to grammar check it like I usually do. Just letting you know there may be errors I missed!

Alyx's POV

Another two weeks pass, and Thanksgiving is right around the corner. We've learned a few things about cooking turkey the week before in class, but that's it. The rest of the dishes... I'm just going to wing it. I mean, if I just look up a recipe, it shouldn't be too hard to make. I'm just excited to cook for Amaya again. A real dinner.

When I get home and turn off Amaya's car, my phone rings, and I see a name I haven't seen much of in about a month. I bet he's going to be mad at me. I told him I'd still hang out, and I haven't since Amaya got here.

I bring the phone up to my ear after answering, "Hey."

"Hey, asshole," Finn says. "Thought you might've died."

"I'm good. I've just been busy."

"Yeah, I figured you'd want to spend time with your girl. That's why I wasn't bugging you. But now I'm tired of waiting. Come over to Jay's."

"I... You do know Thanksgiving is this week, right? I need to-"

"Which is why we should hang out before. I might go to my Mom's, so I won't be back 'til next week. Come on. You can even bring your girlfriend."

I hesitate. I know Amaya said she wouldn't mind meeting my new friends, but I still can't help but be afraid something will go wrong. Like Amaya beating McKenna's ass. Because I can tell they're not going to get along, especially since Amaya knows she tried to come onto me just a few weeks ago.

"Who's all going to be there?" I ask, already knowing the answer.

"Everyone, but don't let that stop you. I'll tell McKenna not to bother you."

"Will she listen?"

"No, but c'mon. Do I got to beg? I will."

I let a sigh out that I hope he doesn't hear before agreeing. "Okay, fine. I'll see and let you know."

"Cool. If I don't hear from you, I'm pulling up to your place. And you know I will."

"Alright. I'm hanging up now."

I end the call before he can get another word in and finally climb out of the car to go inside. Again, I start to wonder if Amaya would want to go. Besides shopping and eating out, she's been cooped up in our apartment basically the whole time she's been here. Not that she's complained any. I honestly think she's preferring to. Even if we're halfway across the country, she probably still feels safer not being out in public where someone could recognize her. Well, as long as we just stay at Jay's, she won't have to be worried about that. If they end up wanting to go somewhere, I'll take her home if that's what she wants to do.

I unlock the front door and step inside. I shrug my jacket off and hang it up with the keys before searching for her in the apartment. I hear faint sounds coming from the laundry room, and I find her in there, throwing clothes into the dryer. She hasn't noticed me, so I come up behind her and take her into my arms.

She lets a gasp out, twisting around to face me before giggling. "You scared me."

"I'm sorry."

"It's okay. I'm glad you're home. You're off tonight, right?"

"I am. Are you wanting to do anything?" I start off with to see if she even wants to go out.

"It doesn't matter to me."

"Then would you want to hang out with my friends today? Finn called and asked me."

"Yeah, we can do that. I need to shower first, though."

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