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Alyx's POV

I argued with her the whole six hour drive back, trying to convince her to let me come. We only stopped once for gas, and even though we were bickering, I still pumped it for her. It looked like she was on the phone with someone while I was doing so, too. I already figured who.

She dropped me off near my house, but I gave her a hard time getting me out of her car with how reluctant I was to let her go alone. I even threw in her face how I'm probably going to get in trouble, and I might not be able to get out of the house to come with her next time. Hell, I even offered to stay in the car while she talked to him. She wouldn't budge, so I'm pissed at her again.

I stop at my front door and take a deep breath. I'm not going to lie. I'm scared to walk through that door. Mom never called me today. Not once. I can't figure out if that's a good or bad thing. They say silence is deadly, though.

I don't see her anywhere inside. She's here, though. Unless she car pooled with someone because both cars are outside. She must be in her room. Maybe she hasn't woke up, yet. It's nearly seven thirty, though. She might not have to work tonight and wanted to sleep in.

I quietly climb the stairs and kick my shoes off in my room. I change into some more comfortable clothing and lay on my stomach across my bed, checking my phone. I told Amaya to text me when she gets there and as soon as she's done. I also want to know everything that was said.

I wonder if he's going to let her see her. I'm highly doubting it. Life wouldn't work out that perfectly. I'm trying my hardest to have faith that this will work out in her favor, but I don't have the slightest hope in her father at all.

My phone dings after a few minutes of staring at it. 'I'm here. I'll let you know as soon as I'm out of the door.'

Shit. Now I feel like there's a weight on my chest, making it hard to breathe. 'Please be careful. If he tries to do anything or threaten you, please just run and leave. We'll figure something else out. If you need my help, I'll be there as fast as possible.'

A knock on my door makes the weight feel even heavier. "Yeah?" I yell out.

The door opens, and Mom pokes her head in. "You okay? You've been cooped up in here all day. I knocked when I got home this morning, but you didn't say anything. I figured you were still asleep."

What? Did she seriously not notice I wasn't here all day? It's only a matter of time before she notices the footage. I'm surprised she doesn't have the notifications turned on her phone to alert her whenever someone's at the door. She might be a cop and can work through loads of internet files, but she's not tech savvy when it comes to an iPhone. I remember having to help her set it up when she first bought it.

"Yeah. I slept in pretty late, and I've just been hanging out in here." Truthfully, I've been in three other states today. If only she knew...

She pushes the door open more and leans against the frame. "School's starting back next week. You need to get your sleeping schedule back on track."

"I know." I glance down to the bandage wrapped around her bicep. "Is your arm doing okay?"

She looks down at it before saying, "Oh, yeah. It was just a scratch. It doesn't even hurt."


She doesn't say anything and instead purses her lips. She lets a sigh out before coming into my room and taking a seat on the edge of my bed. "I need to talk to you about something."

I turn over and sit up. "What is it?" I can't deal with anymore anxiety right now. Please don't be nothing bad.

"I'm having to go on a work trip with a few of my co-workers. It's an undercover thing that involves the drugs that killed that victim, Isabelle, so I can't have my personal phone with me. We won't be able to contact each other. I tried to refuse because it's going to worry me sick leaving you alone without a way to reach me, but I really want to catch this guy, Alyx."

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