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Alyx's POV

I wake up in the morning to my phone ringing. I untangle myself from Amaya, pulling my arm out from underneath her. I turn over and grab it off the nightstand, seeing 'Wes' across the screen.

I answer it, probably sounding groggy as hell. "What?"

"Good morning to you, too. It's Friday morning."

"And?" I ask, sitting up.

"Were you coming to the gym?"

"Uhh," I glance down to the sleeping girl beside me. I didn't ask her yesterday. "Give me a few minutes to decide. I just woke up. Thanks to you."

"You needed to get up anyway."

Amaya stirs some, letting a groan out. She opens her eyes and widens them when she sees the phone by my ear. "Is that your mom?" she mouths to me.

I shake my head to her. She nods and sits up with me. She throws the covers off her and stands up, stretching her arms above her head. I rake my eyes over her naked body when Wes interrupts me. "So, are you going to come?"

"I'll text you, and let you know."


I hang up and catch Amaya pulling some panties on. "Hey. What do you want to do today?"

"I don't care. What do you want to do?"

"Well, Wes invited us to come workout. We don't have to if you don't want to, though."

"At your gym?"


"Am I allowed?"

"Yeah. Members are allowed one guest with them." At least that's what the sign on the door says.

"Okay. We can."

"Are you sure? Do you have anything to wear to workout in?"

"Yeah. I've got some leggings, and I can just wear a t-shirt."

"Okay. Let's get ready then."

I text Wes and let him know she's coming with me while she gets dressed. She leaves to go to the bathroom, and I throw on a black muscle shirt with a blue hoodie. I pull some boxers on, following them with some sweatpants and shoes.

I use the bathroom after Amaya before going downstairs and sneaking her out the window. I lock up behind me and lean down to look in the camera. "I'm going to the gym with Wes. Be back later." I know she's not going to see it just yet but for when she does.


"About time," Wes says to us when we enter the quiet gym. "What are we starting on today?"

"Doesn't matter. What are you going to do, Amaya?"

"I'll just do the treadmill for now. Something easy." I walk her over to them and explain how to work it before leaving her to it. Wes decided we're going to work on abs and chest for now and end with some pull ups.

After thirty minutes of various torso exercises, I take a short water break. I already feel sweat beading around my forehead. I fixate my eyes on Amaya for the fifth time since we've been separated. Looking at her hasn't distracted me any, though, so Wes can get over it.

She catches my gaze again and makes her way over to me. She gives me a smile, stopping right in front of me. She's so beautiful. Her face is slightly red from the jogging she's been doing on the treadmill, but she doesn't look to have broken a sweat.

I offer her some of the water I'm drinking on, and she thanks me, drinking some of it before handing it back. "Hey. I noticed they have tanning beds here, so I'm going to go lay for a few minutes, okay?"

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