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Alyx's POV

I pull her back to my chest and squeeze her small body with my arms. I'm determined. I'm going to help her save her mom, and we're going to get out of here. Together.

I'm trying hard not to think about what I'm going to be leaving behind. Not a lot. I'll graduate high school before I turn eighteen. My mom won't be able to stop me from leaving. I'm kind of sad I'll be leaving her. Wes, too. I'm going to miss both of them. So much. But they can come visit me. It's not like I'll never see them again.

I've never put much thought in what I'll do after high school. I assumed I'd go off to college somewhere. Most likely, the closest university nearby so I could come home on the weekends. I always thought I'd graduate high school being a virgin and maybe losing it to someone in college. I, at least, hoped I would lose it by then. I never thought I'd get the girl I've been crushing on forever to fall for me. She loves me. I internally squeal, like a girl. I feel so giddy inside. Who can blame me, though?

She lets a sigh out before pulling herself out of my arms. "Our relationship just got ten times more complicated. Your mom hates me. My dad knows about you. We're going to have to go on some wild goose chase to find my mom. All while we're still going to school," she says, while rolling her eyes.

I give her a small smile before losing it and dropping my eyes. "I really am sorry for what I did. I know I didn't help any."

"You were defending me, so I guess I can forgive you." She eyes me with a suspicious look on her face. "Did you seriously threaten him with a gun?"

I sheepishly nod. "Yeah. I didn't get very far with it, though."

"I bet you looked badass. But I can't picture my sweet, pretty boy in such a threatening way." Pretty boy? I feel my cheeks warm and shift my weight to my other foot. Do I like that? Pretty boy... "I like you in a beanie. It looks good on you, even though I know why you're wearing it," she says, a frown forming on her lips. "What did he do exactly?"

"Your uncle hit me with his gun."

She cringes at my words. "Are you okay?" She reaches her hand up to my head and slides her fingers under the beanie, gently slipping it off. Her eyes land on my shitty job of bandaging myself up.

"Yeah, sort of. My body hurts, and my head is throbbing."

"I'm sorry. I came in yelling at you, too."

"It's okay. You had every right to be mad."

"Let me redo this," she says, softly rubbing her finger by the band-aid. "I brought some stuff with me." She pulls a little bag out from the front pocket of the blue hoodie she's wearing. A small smile grows on my lips. I like how she came in screaming and angry with me, but she still knew she was going to take care of me after she was done. I mentally groan. I love her so much! "Did you take some medici-mmph." I cut her off when I pull her to my chest.

"Yeah. Yeah, I took some medicine." She slowly responds to the hug, squeezing my waist. "Let's go upstairs, and I'll let you fix me up." I pull back and reach for her hand, intertwining our fingers. Despite what has happened today, I feel so freaking happy right now.

Once upstairs, I pull her in the bathroom with me. I drop her hand and take a seat on the side of the tub. She sets her bag on the counter and unzips it, pulling stuff out. She looks over at me before stepping in front of me. She reaches for the band-aid and slowly pulls it up, like she's trying not to pull any of my hairs. She tosses it in the trash before inspecting it. She slightly cringes and pouts her lip. She's probably feeling the same way I was when she showed up last night.

"Did you disinfect it at all?"

"I poured some alcohol on a rag and touched it once." Disbelief crosses her features. "It hurt."

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