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Alyx's POV

The next morning I told Finn I'd need a week or so to think about it before I bought the bike. He told me it was fine and that I could leave my car at his house until I come up with a decision. I need to hurry up and decide, though. This walking to both jobs is kicking my ass. Plus, I'm getting even less sleep since my travel time has increased now.

After my shift at the grocery store ends, I change into my waiter attire in the bathroom before leaving, saying a quick 'bye' to Steven. Once outside, I reach the sidewalk and head into the direction of the restaurant. I hope we're not too busy tonight. My feet hurt so much. I barely get the chance to sit down anymore besides at home.

My phone suddenly rings, making me reach for it. I don't really freak out as much when it rings now. Not that I've lost faith that she's going to call again but more people have my number now. Both my jobs, D, Finn, and I listed it under my contact info for the culinary school. So, I don't always expect it to be her. And of course, it's not. It's a different random number, making my nerves spike up.

I hesitate but answer it before it stops ringing. "Hello?"

"Hi. This is Becca, speaking on behalf of Park City Culinary Institute. Is this Alyx Reed?"

My heart starts racing faster. "Uh, yes. Yes, Ma'am," I quickly correct myself.

"I was taking a look at your application, and I was wondering when you would like to set a date for a tour of our facility before we fit you into an introductory class." I got accepted? I mean, I know it's not exactly the same as a regular college, but it's still exciting!

"Any time in the morning is fine," I tell her. I'll call in at the store. I should probably go ahead and put my two weeks notice in.

"I see under your employment you have two jobs listed?"

"Yes, Ma'am. I'm planning to leave one of them to make time for classes."

"Okay. Well, in case you didn't see it on our website, I need to let you know failure to make a payment will result in expulsion, and you will not be able to finish your course or get a refund on any of the past payments."

"Okay. I've got good bit in savings, so that shouldn't be a problem," I assure her.

"Okay, perfect! Is September third a good date for you?"

I'm not even sure what day that falls on, but I know September starts some time next week. I can't believe I've been here since May. How the hell did I survive this long?

"Yes, that sounds great."

"Alright." I can hear her typing on a keyboard. "I have you under for eight that morning."

"Okay. Uh, do I need to bring anything to be prepared?" I ask, not wanting to show up already making a bad impression.

"A notebook and pencil if you want to take notes, but the first introductory class will mainly be to learn a lot of the basic knowledge most people already know anyway."

"Okay. Thank you."

"No problem. Have a nice day."

"You too." She hangs up after.

I'm so excited! I can't believe I'm actually doing this! I look down at my phone wanting to tell someone. The familiar, painful feeling I've been suffering from for months hits me again. All the people I want to tell, I can't.

I see Finn's name in my contacts and debate on telling him. We've only met once, though. But he was really nice and cool the whole time. I doubt he'd consider us friends, though. Fuck it, I want to tell someone.

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