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^Amaya's eye makeup (I couldn't find an image of red eyeshadow with green eyeliner so just imagine the two together!) and her nails! And also what the kitty looks like!^

Alyx's POV

Wes really loved his game. He got me a new gaming headset because he said my mic sounded like shit sometimes. The speaker in the left ear muff was starting to go out anyway, so I was super grateful he got me a new one. He stayed over for a little while, mainly because I begged him not to leave me alone with my mom just yet. We played the PlayStation for a few hours, and to my surprise, my mom brought up a tray of meats and cheeses for us to snack on. She left right after we thanked her, but not before giving me a death glare when Wes wasn't looking. I guess I should apologize to her. I do admit it wasn't very mature of me to curse at her. But she's being immature, too. I really don't want Christmas to be awkward, though.

Wes left shortly after, so I take a shower before bringing the snack tray back down. I don't see my mom anywhere, so I decide I'll try apologizing later. When I get back in my room, my phone rings. Amaya's name is displayed across the screen.

"Hey," I say, immediately answering. I haven't seen her since Saturday, granted it's only Monday but still. I miss her.

"Hey, babe. What are you doing?" I glance down at the little white kitten asleep in her bed. Good. She shouldn't meow and give herself away.

"Nothing, really. Thinking about going to bed early." It's only eight, but I'm bored and tired of stressing over tomorrow. I remember loving Christmas as a kid. I never got a lot, but my mom always tried to do the best she could. She usually got me what I wanted every year. Now all I want this year is for her to like my girlfriend again.

"Well, I just wanted to check and see what we're going to do tomorrow? Did you want to hang out? I don't have any plans."

"I do, but..."


"I got into an argument with my mom, and I got grounded again."

"So, I'm guessing I'm still not welcome over?"

"I'm sorry. I tried asking her, but she was pretty adamant." I hear her let a sigh out. "I still want you to come over tomorrow, though."

"How? Does she have to work?"

"No, but I'll sneak you in after she goes to sleep."

"Alyx..." She sounds hesitant.

"Please. I want you to stay the night actually." I already know I'm not going to send her away on Christmas day. Mom's got to go to work early the day after, so we should be able to sleep in and spend the day together.


"Yeah. Make sure you pack some pajamas in your bag. And I got you a gift."

"You didn't have to."

"I wanted to. I really hope you like it," I say, eyeing the sleeping gift on the ground.

"I got you something, too. I don't know if it's what you're expecting or anythi-"

"I'll love it," I say, cutting her off. "And the same goes for your gift. It's kind of... unique, so it's probably not what you're expecting."

"Well, I'll love it, too."

"Good," I say, biting on my lip.

"Good," she repeats.

"I love you."

"I love you, too. I got you another gift that you can't exactly keep."

"What do you mean?"

"It's a surprise. You'll love it, though."

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