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Amaya's lingerie and pajamas^


Alyx's POV

The cat meows, breaking us from our kiss. We both let a laugh out and look down at her to see her watching us. Amaya reaches her hand out, giving her some gentle pets, and to my surprise, she puts her paw on Amaya's leg and climbs on her lap. Amaya lets a quiet gasp out and freezes in her spot. I can tell she's holding her breath, in hopes to not disturb it. The kitten settles on her lap and lays down.

I reach forward and pet her soft fur. "Do you have any idea what you want to name her?" I ask, glancing into Amaya's eyes.

"I think Liv. After my mom."

Liv. Hmm. Short for Olivia. "I like it. It suits her."

"Yeah. She's so beautiful." She scratches her between her ears, making her purr.

"So are you," I mumble.

"Thank you."

Something she mentioned last night pops in my head. "Didn't you tell me my gift was green?"

She pulls her bottom lip between her teeth. "It is. I also told you that you couldn't keep it."

"What is it?"

She carefully lifts the cat in her arms and stands up, taking her over to the cat bed. She lays her in it before walking back over, stopping in front of me.

"You sure you're ready to see it?"

"Yeah." I nod, eagerly.

She fiddles with the hem of her sweatshirt with her fingers. She kicks her shoes off her feet before lifting her shirt up over her head. A lacy green bra is revealed. My eyes widen at her suddenly stripping. She grabs the waistband of her sweats and shimmy them down, exposing a matching garter belt, followed by the matching panties. Green stockings are held up by the clips of the garter belt. Woah. I've never seen her in this type of lingerie. I think green is my new favorite color.

She steps out of her sweats and twiddles her thumbs, crossing one foot over the other. "Do you like it?"

How long has my mouth been open? I close it and lick my lips before nodding. "Yeah, I like it a lot." I can already feel my dick stirring in my pajama pants.

She steps forward, and I instinctively lift my hands and settle them on her waist. Even though the garter is lacy, it still has a silky feel to it. "I told you it was green and something you couldn't keep for yourself. I wanted to get you something else and couldn't find anything. But I figured you'd like this."

I swallow before finally meeting her eyes again. "I do. It looks really... sexy on you."

"Well, you can consider me as your gift." She hooks her arm around my neck and plops down on my thigh. I grip her bare leg with my hand, so she doesn't fall. "You can do whatever you want."

"Whatever I want?"

She gives me a nod. "You have to make sure to keep me quiet, though." She leans in, pressing her soft lips against mine. She suddenly pulls away, though. "Oh, yeah. This is random, but I wanted to tell you before I forget. I don't know if it's worth mentioning anymore since you're grounded, but I still want to invite you. Ryland's having a New Year's Eve party at his apartment. He said you could bring somebody if you want, so I thought you might want to invite Wes."

"Yeah, okay. I really want to go with you. My mom usually works New Year's Eve night every year, so I might be able to. And yeah, I'll invite him. Seems like it'll be fun."

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