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Alyx's POV

Things started to get a little easier. It hurts less when I think of her, which is still every day. It still feels like a knife twisting in my chest, but it's more bearable. My eyes don't water anymore, so I think that's improvement.

I signed the lease, so I'm legally renting my own apartment now. And I got a job. Well, two actually. I'm a part-time stocker at the grocery store near my house. The day after my birthday they happened to put a hiring sign out, and they hired me on the spot. I guess they were in desperate need of someone.

A week later, one of the restaurants I applied to called me back still needing someone to fill a waiter position for the evening shift. It's more of a high-end 'fancy' restaurant, so I was more anxious about it than I was stocking shelves. I know how dick-ish people can be to servers. But I've been there a month now, and the people are honestly nice. Both staff and customers.

But the only reason I applied in the first place was because I was hoping to see more of the chefs in action, but I'm only in the kitchen ten seconds at most every time grabbing a new order. Their food always looks so fucking bomb, though. And the smell is so mouthwatering that I want to try it, but when I caught a glance at the menu, my jaw dropped. It's expensive. Like really expensive. I'm not even sure if my whole shift would be able to pay for something on that menu.

The only thing that still bums me out besides the obvious is I haven't made any friends still. It's getting really lonely. I'll occasionally see D around, but it's usually just small talk. There's a guy named Steven that helps me stock shelves, but it seems like our relationship is going to remain strictly co-workers. He doesn't like to talk much unless it's about work, and I'm too awkward to try to get to know him. I don't even remember how to make friends. Wes and I just kind of... happened.

At the restaurant, the only person that really talks to me is the hostess. She's an older lady named Sarah. She mainly talks about her family, and I just try to listen when I can. I'm usually too busy for conversation.

The only bad thing that's going on is my car started making a funny noise. And I know it's irresponsible, but I haven't had time to take it to a mechanic with how much I'm working. I'm off from the restaurant tonight and the grocery store tomorrow, so I was planning on taking it in the morning before I have to go in for my shift at the restaurant tomorrow night.

I take off my work apron and place it inside my small storage locker that every employee gets. I tell Steven bye before I clock out at the grocery store. While walking to my car, I start to feel a little hungry. I might try to get some takeout before going home. I climb in and start the car. The engine does its usual roar, but it makes an odd sputtering noise before dying. I try again, but nothing happens. No. No, no, no. Not now. What do I do?

I pop the hood and climb out to take a look. I lift it and stare down at all the parts. Downside of growing up without a dad is I don't know shit about cars.

"Car trouble?" I hear a male voice ask from behind me.

I turn to see a guy dressed head to toe in leather with bags in his hand from my store. I meet his eyes, and he gives me a small smile.

"Uh, yeah. It died when I tried starting it, but it's been making a weird sound for a few weeks."

"Do you need some help, or do you got it?"

"Well, I don't really know what I'm looking at, so... if you really don't mind helping, I'd appreciate it a lot."

He sets his bags down on the asphalt and takes a step forward. He brushes some of his messy brown hair out of his face before peering under the hood.

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