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Alyx's POV

I asked Mom more details about her trip during dinner last night. She told me she was leaving around noon, and she's going to be in Atlanta the whole time unless the target moves. She told me if she had the chance, she'd call from a phone booth. I told her she didn't have to worry about that if it risked blowing her cover. I also told Amaya last night the time she should be about ready.

Mom comes down the hall from her room with her large suitcase packed. I don't even remember the last time that was used outside of business. I have one the same size, but I haven't used it since middle school when we took a week trip to the beach. She sets the suitcase by the door and begins staring off into space. I can tell she's frantically marking stuff off her imaginary checklist in her head.

"Forgetting anything?" I ask, crossing my arms and leaning against the wall.

"I don't think- shit! My hairbrush." She hurries to grab it, and I text Amaya, letting her know that I'll call her as soon as my mom leaves.

'Finishing up packing now.' It's a little funny how both of them are packing right now, one packing to leave here and the other to come here. I smirk but quickly drop it when Mom rushes back in the room. She shoves the brush into her suitcase and zips it all the way up.

She checks the watch on her wrist before sighing. "I got to get going."

I nod. "Please be safe."

"I will. I'll try to let you know when I make it there. I'll be staying in a hotel right in the middle of Atlanta. If you really need to get a hold of me, call the department and talk to my boss. Try to only do it for emergencies, though. Rachel said you could also call her if needed."

"Okay. I will."

"Help me with this?" she asks, referring to the luggage. I grab it by the handle and lift it up. She opens the door for me and closes it behind us. I set it in the trunk of the Uber she's taking to meet with her other co-workers. She pulls me into a hug, and I respond by wrapping my arms around her. When she pulls back, she reaches into her front pocket. "Here. I almost forgot it." I look down at the money in her hand. A hundred dollar bill is folded on her palm. "So, you'll be able to feed yourself and buy gas and stuff. There's not many groceries left, so you might have to go get some. I figured you have some money saved up from babysitting, but I didn't want to leave you without any."

"Okay. Thanks," I say, as I take the bill from her.

"Please be good, and don't break my rules. Okay, I need to go. I love you, baby. Please be safe, too. I'll see you Tuesday."

"I love you, too. Be careful." She nods and climbs in, closing the door behind her. I wave bye to her as the car takes off.

I really do hope she stays safe and that nothing happens to her, but I'm so glad she's gone. I really need these few days alone with Amaya. This winter break has been giving me withdrawals from being away from her. We've only seen each other three times during it: Christmas, New Year's Eve, and yesterday. That's not enough for me. At least I get to spend the rest of the break with her. I wonder if she's going to stay with me Monday night, too, even though I have to babysit Connor after school. Or would that be too risky? What if he said something about her being there to Rachel? Well, she could just come over after he leaves.

I'm on the phone with her before I even finish shutting the front door. "Hey," her voice fills my ear.

A huge smile grows on my face. "Get your cute ass over here."

Her laugh makes me bite on my lip. "Yes, sir. My cute ass is on the way."


"So, how am I getting in?" she asks after calling me when she got here.

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