Chapter 30: Tipsy Little Pixy

Start from the beginning

"By GalPal!" She called with a big wave.

"Evelyn. What's gotten into you today?"

"Not you!" She giggled.

Newt wasn't sure if he was more worried or more interested. He guided her to her hut and inside. He closed the door and turned around. Evelyn was standing in the middle of the room, her back to him. She was staring at the bed. Newt stepped up behind her, gently sweeping her hair away, he kissed the back of her neck. She shivered and melted into him.

"Newt?" She asked, her demeanor changed drastically from a few minutes ago. Now she seemed timid and nervous.

"Yes Love?" He whispered, his lips on the back of her neck.

"Are...are you mad..."

"About what?"

"That we haven't...that I haven't let...that I made us stop?"

"No! Evelyn not at all!"

"Everyone thinks we do." She whispered.

"So? What those buggen' shanks think is none of our business!"

"But..." She turned around to face him. He frowned, her eyes wouldn't stay focused, "but yoooou wanna."

She slid her hands down his sides and under his shirt.


"...but you waant toooo." She slurred.

And slid her hands up his chest. He shivered. She didn't smile, just continued to run her hands over his chest. She pushed up onto her toes and left kisses up his neck. He made a noise in the back of his throat, his hands tightened their hold on her hips. She found his sweet spot even in her drunken state and she felt him shutter and groan.


"I knoooow you waaaant too!" She slid her hands down to his belt line.

"Ev! Stop."

He grabbed her wrists and pulled them away. He was frowning slightly at her. His chest was rising and falling rapidly.

"Waaass the matter? Dooon't yoooou want meeeee?" She asked, her big green eyes filling with tears.

"Yes. I do! Always. But you're not acting like you. This feels wrong."

She rose up on her toes and kissed him. He pulled away abruptly.

"Have you been drinking? Evelyn! Are you drunk?!"

Realization hit him hard. She gasped.

"How did you know! It was a seeeeeecret! Gally doesn't let aaaaaanyone into his suuuuper secret diiiiistillery!"

"What in the actual blood shuck is going on?!"

"I heeeelped Gally make his suuuuper secret drinks taste waaaaaay better."

"Okay...go on..."

"They taste better now!" She grinned at him. "I helped!"

"I see."

"I wanna kiss you now...cuz we haven't-"

"No. We aren't."

"Why?" She pouted. She pulled away and stumbled to the bed and tried to sit down but missed and fell onto the floor. Newt sighed and stepped closer and crouched in front of her.

"We ain't gonna 'cause your drunk and ain't thinkin' straight. You're not buggen' making very good decisions. And I ain't gonna take advantage of ya, my Love."

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