All living beings have to die one day

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Atsushi looked ahead, the sky was clear. It was a blue sky with clouds floating. Autumn was passing away.

The tree leaves were all yellow, and falling. No one has been there to clean them for the past few days due to the utter chaos happening in Yokohama.

It was hard to believe that just a week and a half ago, everything was fine. Those days of peace seemed so far away.

Chuuya came to see Atsushi standing beside the room window, "Yo brat, what's going on?"
Atsushi smiled, "Brat huh...? Kunikida-san used to call me that as well."

Chuuya was caught of guard, "Ah...I see..."

In the last few days, many people close to them had died, but they didn't have a chance to grieve properly. Chuuya couldn't have time to grieve over his comrades as well. He sighed, "Let's just get this over with..."
"Yeah. To think that even after the rumbling things didn't settle down."

Chuuya looked up, "We all became someone else, haven't we?"
"That's true. No matter how much time passes, we will never be the same again."

"What's going on between Dazai and Akutagawa though? I sense a looming tension between them." Chuuya was not too aware of their fight.
"Ah that." Atsushi awkwardly scratched his cheek, "They got into a fight."
"Huh? That Akutagawa actually got into a fight with him? How???"
"It's related to Higuchi-san."
"Ah, that's why. That kid loved Higuchi a lot, probably more so than he admired Dazai."

Atsushi shook his head, "It's not that. Dazai-san has hurt him too many times, whether necessary or not. Coupled with the fact that Higuchi-san showered him with so much love, he couldn't take it anymore. Dazai-san knows it himself. Usually he would deflate Akutagawa's arguments, saying that his choice was logical, which he first did, but now....I am not so sure..." Atsushi looked at the sky with cloudy eyes and a blank expression.

"So you both acknowledged the fact that Dazai has hurt him." Chuuya off handedly thought about it. They both looked upto the man. To think they understood his flaws so clearly was a surprise.

"I only understood it recently. That even when he was coldly dismissing Akutagawa's grief." Atsushi spoke with a sigh, "I understand why he did what he did. But.....grief is grief. You can't counter it with logic. He knows it himself now, all too well. And it's not going to last long until he bursts out and has a mental breakdown. I mean, I had mine. He is strong, but eventually he will also have his own time." Atsushi lamented sadly.

"You had a breakdown?"
"Hmm..." It was actually with Akutagawa. Ranpo joined in later.

It took them a very long time to stop crying and actually speak like functional human beings.

"I am sorry..." Chuuya apologised softly.
"Why? It's not your fault." Atsushi smiled sorrowfully, "It's no one's fault. It's just....everyone in the world has to die one day. Their death just came this's...fuck..." Atsushi wiped the tears forming in his purple-yellow eyes.

Chuuya wrapped an arm around his shoulders and gave a pat, "We are all going to get through this. Let's go. We have to go to Eldia, remember? For the truce? We need you." Atsushi leaned into the comforting touch.

For someone who was in the mafia, Chuuya was a really warm person.

"...Yeah..." Atsushi softly responded, his voice broken, "Thank you, Chuuya-san." he said, mustering a smile.
"Ah shush. Just come." Chuuya signalled him with his hand.


Pieck and Porco sat without binds for the first time in a while. They had agreed to help the people in Yokohama.

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