The closer you get to something, the tougher it is to see

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Poe spoke as he got on the plane, "Ranpo-kun, what do you think of this whole situation? What does your ultra deduction say?"

Ranpo spoke casually, "There's not much evidence on anything. So I can't activate it now. I am guessing there is more to what we are seeing."

Sigma sighed, "Definitely. As someone who has been counted as a bad guy, I feel like we are missing something."

Rubi nodded, her expression slightly grim, "I honestly don't know either. The reason for their Rumbling, and how many lives they want to wipe away. It makes me anxious."

Ranpo responded to her, "You being anxious? That's a red flag there." he side eyed her.
"Oh come on. As if I haven't been anxious before." Rubi rolled her eyes.
"I never saw you being anxious. Even while coming face to face with Mori Ougai of the Port Mafia, you didn't get intimidated in the slightest."
"I fought titans before. You need something with a colossal presence to intimidate me."
"Nice pun."

Poe had given them his own private jet plane. And it was not much hassle to travel on with it.

"This is comfy. Poe-kun, thank you for the ride." Ranpo smiled widely.

Poe-kun was all jolly, "It's my pleasure."

Sigma eyed Rubi, "By the way, where are each of us going to go?"
Poe and Ranpo looked at her too.

Rubi casted her eyes on her hands, "We are staying together until we go to their base. To be honest, they have changed it after the attack I gave them. And now are staying at an unnamed island, which they named the Paradis island."
"You, you have a spy in there, don't you?"
"I managed to gather one. But that person is not given all the information, because they are aware that she is not on their side. She can only know a little about things. That's why we are going there."
Ranpo narrowed his eyes, "Is it a scientist?"
"Your ultra deduction skills are amazing, Ranpo. It is a scientist." Rubi complemented with a lift of her thin lips.

"She is the one who has the antidote to stop the titan powers, she invented a radioactive wave that could turn the titans into humans. They actually captured her and took her away so that she could not get in their way."

Poe spoke, his visible eye curious, "Did you meet her when you infiltrated their base before?"
"Yes. But I couldn't get her out. They found me before I could. I want to get her out of their this time. If we can, then we will have the upper hand of winning this war." Rubi's voice turned even more serious than before, showing how important it was to get her back.
"What's her name?"
"Hange. Hange Zoe."

Ranpo was quiet the entire time, Rubi noticed it and spoke, "Ranpo, is there something bothering you?"
"Ah, no. It's fine."


There was a problem.

They couldn't land on the island from the sky.

Poe spoke woefully, "We can't go near the island. They might figure us out."

They were still a few hundred kilometres away from the island. Rubi spoke, "I guess desperate times call for desperate measures. Ranpo."
"Ah...I am nervous..."
"You will be fine this time. We did it before, right?"

Sigma eyed them, "What are you two talking about?"
"I am also curious." Chimed in Poe.
Rubi smirked, "Ah, we have another way."
"You know that titans are humans right?"
"Yes?" Said Sigma.
"Then don't you think there could be humans controlling titan bodies from their nape?"

Poe smiled, "I have thought about it to be honest."
"As expected of Poe. There are such powers, and those who wield it are called titan shifters."

Rubi closed her eyes, "I stole four of the titan powers when I infiltrated their base."
Sigma's eyes widened, "Are you saying...?"
"Yes. I am one of them."

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