Hurts like hell

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Dazai and Ranpo stood before the now paralysed Porco and Pieck. Ranpo rather looked at Pieck more, and not much at Porco.

Dazai guessed her to be the murderer of Poe.

He spoke, "Let's make this clear. You guys can speak. But don't speak right now. Hear me out. We know what the problem is. Hange-san will be working to make a cure of it. We are quite sure of the origins of the problem. Bram Stoker, the original vampire who had his subordinates executed, well many of them anyway, and the rest surviving multiples into what you guys call the Eldians. This includes you guys too. In fact, by now, you are probably feeling incredible blood thirst."

They couldn't say anything. The fact that most of the information was disclosed to them, was horrifying.

"I will be giving you blood, don't worry. But you have to cooperate."
"Why should we believe you?" Porco asked in agony.
"Because we have kept you alive."
"Shut up. Do you even know how to kill us?"
"Of course." Dazai smiled.

Pieck spoke calmer than Porco, "What evidence is there that we should believe? Give us any."
"Ranpo-san, I will bring the blood. Stay here for a minute."

Ranpo nodded solemnly. Dazai went out of the room.

Ranpo looked at the two of them, "Do you guys have to say for yourself?"
"For what?"
"For killing Poe. We are offering peace here. But you guys killed him. For nothing."

Pieck smiled with difficulty, "Isn't that all the more reason to believe you won't offer peace?"

Ranpo smiled menacingly, "You think you can stay alive if I want you truly dead?"

His gaze held immense rage and anger. Pieck spoke with an even voice, "You are not the only Titan shifter here."
"But we have the advantage. Remember how many titans Rubi-nee took?"

Porco whispered, "There are titan shifters here as well."
"I know. I am trying to get information out of him."

Dazai came back with the blood bags and let them drink, "Here."

He also brought another person.


After drinking the blood, they had considerably less agonising pain and their faces relaxed.

Dazai smiled, "Now do you believe me?"

They didn't say anything.

Dazai didn't waste any time, "Who are the founding and colossal titan?"

Porco sweared, "You bastard, you think we are gonna tell you that out of the bat?"
"Why not? I mean you should." Dazai spoke skilfully.

Pieck laughed, "And what will we get in return for saying it?"
"What do you want?"
"Tell us who are the titan shifters here."

'This girl. She is smart.' Dazai spoke, "And what will you do with that?"
"I can ask you the same." Pieck answered.

Dazai sighed, "This is going nowhere. Ango?"
"Frieda Reiss is the founding titan. Armin Arlert is the colossal titan."

The two of them started at him, in terror.

Pieck narrowed her eyes dangerously, "You- you used your ability, didn't you?"

Ranpo, on the other hand, stilled, "Frieda Reiss? Frieda? She-"
He stopped talking. His eyes gradually went scarily horrified.

Dazai's mind clicked something, "Wasn't she...the one living with them?"

Ranpo's heart dropped to pit of his stomach. He couldn't as if hear it anymore. A giant earthquake rumbled his chest as he felt panic stir in his mind and he racked his brain to figure out an idea. He couldn't bear to think of losing her as well. Not after Poe. He couldn't think of it.

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