Young man, what do you wanna be?

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A/N: Each chapter will contain an OST from Youtube. I hope you listen to them while reading to get the vibes well. They might not always match the scene, but that's because what is potrayed in the scene is not what the characters are thinking and going through, or the scene changing to different situations. I wish I could put multiple OSTs but I can't. Hope you still enjoy. :3



There was some rest.

Some peace and quiet.

In this quiet time, there was a silver haired lad, smiling to himself. He wore a white shirt and black pants that went upto his knees, gloves in his hand. His purple yellow orbs had a peaceful vibe.

Atsushi poured out some coffee from the coffee maker and started to sip it quietly as he looked at the computer.

There were so many piled up reports.

And yet he was not the least bit annoyed.

He was happy.

Quite happy.

Because everyone here was safe. Armed Detective Agency

"Atsushi-kun~ Good morning." came Dazai, as cheerful as always, his trench coat fluttering as he took each stride.
"Good morning, Dazai-san." happily replied Atsushi, his smile big enough to show his canine teeth.
"You are working first thing in the morning? Guess Kunikida-kun has become a bad influence on you."

Atsushi made a weird face.

'Why is it a bad habit though?'

"Good morning everyone." came the voice of Kunikida, fixing his glasses with his middle finger, prim and proper. Ironic.

"Good morning, Kunikida- san/kun" came the voice of Dazai and Atsushi.

Dazai smirked and proceeded to annoy Kunikida, "Kunikida-kun~"

Atsushi just sighed as the usual banter went on.

One by one, the agency members all came in.

Suddenly, a man in his late twenties came in the office, although he didn’t look much older than 19 or 20. He had dark brown clothes, dressed as if like a more kid friendly version of Sherlock Holmes. Anyone seeing him would guess he was a detective at first glance.

Ranpo came in with a bounce, a toffy in his hand, and said, "Guys, we have a meeting with the President."

Yosano looked at him with her gorgeous magenta eyes and spoke, "All of a sudden?" she sighed, "I am scared of meetings to be honest." Her dark grey skirt fluttered with each step of her heel.

"Hahaha, I am sure it's not something serious." spoke Kenji with his bubbly voice. The sunshine that he was, he dressed in his usual country attire, comfortable.

Atsushi was immerged in thoughts, 'What could it be now?'

Dazai was just smiling. Kunikida looked at him and spoke, "What is it? Do you know already?"

Dazai just shrugged his shoulders.

Eventually, everyone gathered at the President's room.

Fukuzawa was a strong man with a neither too slender nor too built physique. His figure exuded an aura of grace and poetry.

But what caught everyone's attention was the person beside him.

It was a woman.

She had long straight hair, warm eyes and a cream coloured skin. She wore a long dress that went upto her knee. Her sleeves were long and she had a sweet smile on her face.

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