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Fyodor stood in front of Frieda, who was looking here and there. Her eyes were darting.

Fyodor smiled, "What's wrong?"

The reason they were standing face to face was nothing uncommon. But it was how Fyodor found her that was anxious.

There was steam rising off her arm.

"Where is that steam from?" Fyodor asked.

"Ah, just-"

"Eren." Called Rubi. She approached the two. The others were with her too.

It was getting morning now. Early in the morning. Frieda wouldn't usually be up right now, not in the middle of night and morning.

"What happened?" Annie spoke.

Everyone was on edge.

Rubi had told Nikolai last night, "The day before the rumbling starts, there will be an attack on Yokohama, a last attack to weaken their sources. The attack will be on night time for here. Morning for over there. By the time we see her, there will some steam emitting from somewhere of her. Because she will want to start the rumbling as soon as the forces have weakened. Titans swim a lot faster in water than you can think. They take five hours to travel fifteen hours worth travel in the water."

"Frieda, what is going on? Something is definitely wrong. What are you not telling us?" Said Reiner with a curious expression, while sounding concerned at the same time.

Like they really had no clue of what she did.

Rubi readied her finger to be bitten soon.

"I...I guess there is nothing more to say..."

The others were balling their fists even tighter.

Fyodor's hands started bleeding from balling it too tight.

All this time. All these years of memories.

Was it for nothing?

"Frieda, why?" Bertholdt just couldn't hold back anymore. His voice was shaking.

Frieda closed her eyes. Her body was shaking.

"Why did you- why are you- why is it you?"
"Do you even know what you are talking about?" Asked Frieda coldly.
"I am!" Bertholdt cried.

Rubi looked at Frieda coldly this time, "We all do."

There was just no point in keeping it.

Fyodor approached her.

Frieda's eyes teared up, Fyodor spoke up, "Frieda. Listen. We- we can fix this. Listen to me."
"No!" Suddenly she backed away.

"Frieda listen! We have a way!" Spoke Nikolai, "We-"
"THERE IS NO OTHER WAY! The has already started..."

Nikolai spoke, horrified, "Frieda! We do have a way! Just listen! We are actually planning-"
"SHUT UP!" Frieda's eyes turned a bright purplish white.

The founding titan's eyes.

"I...I have been with you guys for too long...for my own good. I spent so much time with you guys...! I did all I could to keep you guys alive! The government wanted you dead! I was the one who spoke up against it!" Her voice broke. She started to sob, "Do you really think they don't know about you!? Of course they do! I was sent to kill you guys! But-but I-I couldn't- because everyone was so kind and friendly and-just the same as the people inside the island..."

Of course Fyodor knew that. It was the reason he couldn't leave. They knew the escaped prisoners were inside the island and wouldn't let them escape, even with an alias.

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