Prologue: Welcome to the Christmas Special

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**peaks around corner of the internet...** phew—ah! I'm sorry, I'm late! It's really been a while, hasn't it? I'm so excited to try this out! But, be brutal about any characterization issues you find, if you don't mind~! Enjoy!


"Shuichi! Are you okay!? Hey, Shuichi!" Kaede Akamatsu, the SHSL Pianist, shouted out as Shuichi Saihara, the SHSL Detective, tumbled out of a pale blue locker.

Shuichi...? Shuichi looked up, recognizing the blonde Pianist who was so familiar and yet...

...That's me. Kaede is calling my name... Ah...where am I...? What am I doing here?

Gathering himself, Shuichi recalled the last events he can remember. He had been walking to Hope's Peak Academy as usual when he was suddenly pushed into a car, where he lost consciousness. Taking in the barbed wire covering the windows and the vegetation infesting the ceiling, he realized that he was currently in the Ultimate Academy for Gifted Juveniles, where sixteen SHSL students had been gathered. The Monokubs had then ordered them to investigate the school grounds—

An announcement from the monitor, hanging above a neon screen board at the front of the classroom, began to play.

"Was that the bell!?" Kaede asked.

"Kaede, look at the monitor!"

A sickeningly familiar sight appeared on the once dormant screen. Five multi-colored bears were seated on an... honestly hideous couch, each holding a glass of liquid in their paws.

"Hiiii! Thanks for bear-ing with us!" Monophanie chirped.

Monodam, as usual, said nothing.

"Kept you bastards waiting, huh!?" Monokid exclaimed.

"Everyone, make your way to the gym please." Monotaro said.

"The opening ceremony can finally begin!" Monokid said.

"Phew! We finally finished our preparations!" Monotaro returned.

"...You do realize you just read your lines backwards, don't you?" Monosuke questioned the red and white kub.

"So long! Bear-well!"

The monitor clicked off.

Shuichi turned back to Kaede, "Kaede...what should we do?"

"What should we do? Go, of course. Everyone else is probably doing the same thing."

"True, but...I'm a little worried about this..."

As the pair headed towards the gymnasium, a mounting unease grew. As they arrived at the gym, the others were already gathered. An eerie sound greeted them. It was reminiscent of the engine sounds from a giant robot often heard in anime or sci-fi. And yet, instead of lingering on that mundane memory...

"Yoo-hoo! Rise and shine, ursine!" Five armored machines, with cheery voices appeared. They waved their metal hands around, glaring harsh orange lights onto the panicking students as they were encircled.

Tsumugi screamed, shielding her face with her arms.

Gonta squared his shoulders and stood in front of the group, "Everyone, behind Gonta!"

Tenko paled, "Wh-What the heck are these...monsters!?"

"Whoooooaaaa!!! So coooool!!!" Kokichi awed over the one closest to him.

"They're Exisals—highly mobile, bipedal weapons platforms! They got lotsa hometown pride, too!" Monokib explained from his matching blue Mecha.

Miu shrank back, "Wh-Whatever they are, they better kill off the uggos and save me for last!"

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