Chapter 28: Tease

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"Hey, Love?"

She answered with a sleepy hum.

"You still listening?"

"Mmm hmm." She smiled, her eyes still closed, "Just really comfortable. I feel like purring."

"Oh really?" He chuckled.

She hummed again. He ran his fingers over her scalp. She did make a noise in the back of her throat. Newt chuckled. They lapsed into comfortable silence. Evelyn was greatful Newt was alright with silence. They talked and laughed, but she was also very happy in quiet silence. He picked up a book from the side table. The creators sent a box of old books a while back, and she was positive only a handful of the Gladers actually read any of them.

So while he sipped tea and read, Newt continued to run his fingers through her hair and scratch her scalp.

"Wanna read it out loud?" She asked sleepily.

"Are ya gonna listen?"

"Of course. I like listening to your voice. It's a mix of comfortable soothing and really hot."

"Well then, can't say no ta that!" He chuckled.

His voice was soothing in the quiet. Her sore muscles relaxed, the pain meds and tea helped ease the throbbing sharp pain, and his hand buried in her hair she slowly started to drift off.

"G'night Love."


It took Evelyn a full two weeks before she was able to move about with ease. She couldn't hold anything heavier than Hephaestus. But she was grateful to get up and have a shower, she then ended up sleeping the morning away because even that outing took all her energy and strength.

The Glade was running smoothly. Nick still struggled with the change, struggled with how he ran the Glade for the last year.

"Look, Nick. You had a year if trial and error. Someone had to be first, and that was you. You were a great Leader! Just because we seem to have a system and routine doesn't mean you were a bad leader! It takes someone to forge the path and get up the routines. Alby already got a fully functioning system. You didn't."

"Seriously Evelyn I would be so lost without you!"

"Everyone would!" Sonny nodded.

They were sitting at the breakfast table, sipping on coffee, mostly everyone was off, doing their jobs, they were enjoying just chatting right now, there were only a few stragglers.

Gally was busy barking orders at the Builders. They were building an open faced building for the guys who slept outside. Frypan was cleaning up breakfast with the help of some slippers. Evelyn spied Newt in the garden.

"Hey! Earth to Ev!"

Someone snapped their fingers in her face.

"You listening?"

Evelyn blinked and then nodded. "Yep, uh huh. Good that." She didn't take her eyes off Newt. He had pulled off his long sleeve shirt, he was helping Zart chip down a tree, they were trying to expand the garden. His muscles flexed and ripped while he swung the ax.

"She's not listening." Sonny pointed out.

"Yep, uh huh. Sounds good " Evelyn nodded, her chin in her hand.

Nick chuckled. "I think she's drooling."

"Possibly." Evelyn nodded again.

The guys chuckled.

"Well I'll leave you to your oogling. See ya guys." Nick got up and walked away.

"I'm happy for you." Sonny said quietly.

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