Chapter 27: Awake

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"Sure love." 

He got up and with the help of one of the crutches, went to the other room. He came back a few minutes later. He slid a hand under her back and slowly helped her sit up enough to drink it, sliding another pillow behind her. She sucked in a breath threw clenched teeth. Once she was settled he sat down and handed her the tea.

"Jeff also said to take these." He handed her some pain meds. 

Taking them she realized she wasn't wearing clothes. Frowning she looked at Newt, he had a deep blush rising on his cheeks. 

"You were covered in blood, and ya had such a high buggen' fever! We had to remove them, I had'ta cut your shirt off! It was so shucken stuck t'ya. Well Jeff and me...mostly...uh me. We moved you in here first! An' I did it with the- no not did it- I uh took your clothes off- blood hell this doesn't sound good- I uh... I'm sorry." He looked down, feeling nervous and awkward and like he crossed a line, rubbing the back of his neck. He felt really hot and his mouth was dry.

"Shuck. That was my favorite shirt." She said pouted.

With his hand still rubbing the back of his neck, he looked up sharply. "Wha'?" 

"I liked that shirt." She pouted. 

"After all that..? You're mad about the buggen' shirt." 

She shrugged and then winced, sucking in a hard breath, her hand flew down to hold her side. Newt cocked his head to the side, frowning. 

"You did what you had to do Newt. Of all the people in the Glad I trust you and Jeff to not do anything or try anything or make some comment later. No Newt, I'm not mad." Her voice was thin and thick with pain, but she gave him a small reassuring smile. She saw the tension leave his shoulders.

Evelyn finished her tea and her eyes were getting heavy. 

"Bedtime Love." He chuckled, watching her struggle to stay awake. He helped her slid back down. Getting her situated, and tucked her in, he leaned down and kissed her softly. She still felt warm, but not like before. 

"Come to bed, Love." She whispered. 

"Are you sure? I'm okay in the chair." 

"Newton, if you don't get your bloody arse in bed I'm going to throw a temper tantrum." She smirked sleepily up at him, making him chuckle. 

A few minutes later after he was changed into nothing but pj bottoms, with the splint removed he crawled into bed on her good side and lay down carful not to bump her. She turned her head to face him, he intertwined their fingers, and then his other hand gently rested on her cheek and jaw line. He saw her exhale, relaxing into his touch. 

"I love you." She whispered. 

"I love ya too Evelyn."

But she was already sleep. He smiled at her. He lay for a long time, just watching her, and gently caressing her face. 


Someone cleared their throat above her. She blinked awake, she tried to move her arm but one was stuck and the other one sent shooting pain into her side. She sucked in a sharp breath. 

"Comfortable?" Minho's sassy amused voice came from above. 

She blinked awake, looking over Newt's head that was rested on her chest. Minho stood by the bed, his arms folded, a smirk on his face and his eyebrows raised. 


Minho didn't say anything, his eyes just traveled over. Evelyn didn't realize the very precarious sleeping position they were in, and the blanket was pulled away. Heat flooded her face, and she let out a small groan of embarrassment. She hadn't moved, her body keeping still while she slept and tried to heal the broken rib, but Newt sure had, and the hand he had fallen asleep with on her cheek, had fallen and came to a rest also on her chest. 

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