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"Jungwon, did you see the article yesterday?"

"What article?"

"Yahhhh...I can't believe this.. Daebak...Yahh... Yang Jungwon.. how are you one of the top journalist when you are literally the last person to know about yesterday article!!?"

"sry.. it's just, there're many things I had to forcus recently so..."

"What a disappointment tsk tsk*
Anyway here, it's the article 27 million people has already read"


Jungwon intriguingly looked at the article shown by his friend and his eyes widen when he see Sunghoon being the hot topic
*what the, He is..married to Lee Seonyul!?!*

"Big shock right?"

Jungwon didn't answered back to his friend, quietly staring at the article on phone screen while some thoughts filling up his head.

"You know who wrote that article?"
Jungwon's face looked up to his friend by the question.

"well..A-ham..Yang Jungwon, I'm telling you cuz your my best one knows
. it's reported by a secret journalist, it's actually me ...hehe who wrote that article"

" What!?! "

" Wait don't suprised yet, It will blow your mind if you know who paid me to write that"

"what? Who?"

"Park.... Hoon... Jung.." Jungwon was shocked when he heard his friend whispered the name.

"Park Hoon Jung gave you that much money to expose his grandson's wedding!?!?"

*And it's not anyone but park Sunghoon....that narcissistic*

"I know right, but he gave me the money so how can I refuse?"

Jungwon's face slowly turned from confused to worried as he looked at his best friend in front of him.

"Niki thanks you for telling me about this, but becareful..
it's better for you not to accept any job or relate with that family further."

"Huh? why? what do you mean?
You looks really scary right now"

"Listen to me Niki! you don't understand! They're like ground mines, if you got one step wrong, it's gonna end your life, understand!!?"

"Seonyul na what are you going to do? Will you go hiatus for few months?"

"I don't know yet, the reactions are pretty bad, now I think I should've announced it publicly in the first place, that would lessen the heartbreaks for fans"

"but it's already done so we must find the solution, you are planning to release a new album at the end of this year right?"

"Yeah I hope the hate loosen before that , I'll end the call now manager nim, I'll contact you back after I made a decision"

"Okay "
*Call ended

*Do I really need to let go of this career like Heeseung said? Is it really not possible to carry both? Is it really just the bridge to get me into this family?...and not my passion?..*


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