chapter twenty

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all fun and games

choi soomin

"you know, typically it's considered rude to go into someone's room without their permission." i jump, whirling around at the all too familiar voice.

"jesus christ, minho." i gasp, placing my hand over my heart.

"i should be the one freaked out. you're breaking into my room." he tsks as he walks in front of me, opening the door himself.

"well i figured you would be in here." i shrug, despite seeing him downstairs when i snuck up the stairs only moments ago.

"mhmm. well what did you need?" he asks.

"my underwear."

"oh, okay." he nods, walking over to his dresser and pulling open the top drawer. he then lifts my underwear from the drawer, walking back over to me and plopping them in my hand. "there you go." he says with another nod. i blink, not expecting this to be that easy. "did you need something else?" he asks, cocking his eyebrow as he stares back at me.

"i... well..." i trail off, minho continuing to look at me with a confused expression. this was stupid. trying to get to know him so suddenly would scare him off. "when is our next... 'date'?" i ask, completely straying away from my original motive. minho laughs.

"what are we? a couple?" he chuckles. my face turns beet red, and my heart seems to drop to my stomach. "look, if i'm ever feeling horny, i'll text you. or maybe i'll just drag you into the bathroom at the library." he lowers his voice slightly at the last part of his sentence. despite the embarrassment i felt, i force out a convincing laugh.

"okay." i nod. "i'll be waiting." i flirt, still ignoring the embarrassment. i just hope he didn't pick up on it.

"okay." he nods back. and with that, i turn on my heels, heading down the stairs, stuffing my underwear in the pocket of my pants. preparing to walk back over to my house, having left chan and soobin to put the groceries away on their own, but just before i reached the door, my phone went off.

lee minho

turn around.


i furrow my eyebrows, turning around, only to be met with minho leaning against the bottom of the staircase with a smirk plastered across his face.

"what?" i ask.

"i told you i'd text you." he replies, smirk only growing wider. i chuckle slightly.

"i have to go help chan and soobin." i shake my head.

"do you?" he asks, pushing himself off the railing and making his way towards me.

"i should." i hold my ground, my heart rate quickening the closer he gets.

"but what would you rather do?" he places his hand on the side of my face, bringing his forehead to mine.

"minho..." i breathe.

"good answer." he chuckles, his other hand wrapping around my hip as he pulls us away from the door. gently pressing me against the wall before he attaches his lips to mine. my hands instantly wrap around his neck, pulling him impossibly closer as he glides his tongue along my bottom lip.

the both of us let out small satisfied groans as the kiss deepens. he presses his lower body against mine, lightly grinding his growing hard on against me. i felt my knees go weak at the thought of sleeping with him again. my mind completely forgetting about the embarrassment i felt moments before. completely forgetting about chan and soobin. all i was thinking about was minho.

and then the knob to the front door started to twist. minho broke the kiss first, looking at the door with furrowed eyebrows before he grabs my wrist. he pulls me into the kitchen, behind a wall where we couldn't be seen from the door or living room. he presses me against the wall, bringing his finger to his lip to shush me. i furrow my brows at the action, but do as he says.

"thanks for all your help." fuck. that's soobin.

"yeah no problem." chan replies.

"you said soomin was here?" soobin asks.

"yeah, should be in minho's room. i'll go check." chan states, followed by the sound of his footsteps climbing the stairs. i look at minho with wide eyes, who still has his finger held to his lips. he only shakes his head at me, telling me to stay quiet. "okay, so they're not in there." chan speaks again after a few moments, coming back down the stairs. "his car is still here so maybe they went for a walk or something."

"that's cool, i'll just wait for her here if that's okay?"
soobin asks.

"yeah, that's cool with me." i could hear the two of them walking over to the couch and sitting on it.

"so why did she need to talk to minho again?" soobin asks, likely remembering how sad i was coming back from our first hookup. but this meant chan was going to tell soobin things that i absolutely did not want minho to hear. fuck.

"something about wanting to get to know-" i tried my best to ignore chan's words, quickly pressing my lips against an unsuspecting minho, in hopes of taking away his attention from chan as well. minho makes a quiet, muffled sound of surprise before kissing me back, his hands finding purchase on my hips once again.

i could only hope that this kiss was working as well for minho as it was for me, because at this point, i had no clue what chan and soobin were talking about. minho's smooth lips pressed against mine, moving in perfect sync, the both of us trying our best to keep quiet. the atmosphere was exciting.

"do you want to try something?" he suddenly whispers against my lips, so quietly that i almost didn't hear it myself. i could only nod, my mind void of all rationality, completely ready to follow whatever lead he holds out to me. a dark smirk covers his face as he reaches into my pocket, pulling out the pair of underwear. i furrow my brows at him, watching as he takes his other hand up to my lips, pulling at my bottom one with his thumb. "open." he commands. i do as he says, allowing his thumb to slide into my mouth, lightly grazing my teeth.

he smiles as he brings his other hand up, my underwear in his hand. suddenly, i knew exactly where he was going with this. only, i didn't know if i was loving the idea, or hating it. but that didn't stop me from obediently keeping my mouth open, allowing him to place the underwear in my mouth like a gag.

"now, stay quiet. unless you want them to hear?" he teases, cocking his head towards the two boys in the living room only a couple of feet away, not even a door separating us from them.

but of course, i nod. preparing to try my hardest to stay quiet, not knowing exactly how far minho would take this.

but i was ready for it.

tension // lee minhoTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon