chapter thirty-six

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no more than friends

you guys are so cute y'all literally made a petition for me to double update HAHAHAHAHA ily guys sm <3333 buuut you know i had to make you think it wasn't gonna happen bc i'm evil!!

anyways... enjoy the double update babes!!

choi soomin

"hey, how was studying with chan?" seungmin asks as i plop down into his passenger seat. my mind instantly flashes back to when we certainly weren't studying, but i quickly push it away.

"it was difficult. he's a big procrastinator. likes to cram everything last minute, literally everything." i laugh, recalling the amount we had to study with soobin present, since we didn't get much done the first night.

"jeongin is like that." seungmin laughs. "i'm always helping him edit his recordings like ten minutes before they're due."

"i know how you feel. so, what restaurant did you find today?" i ask.

"are you allergic to animals? specifically ones that bark and have four legs?" he asks with a sly smile.

"dogs? no i'm not allergic." i giggle.

"perfect." he puts the car in reverse, backing out of the driveway.

"are we going to a dog cafe?" i ask, eyes widening in excitement. he only smirks, meeting my gaze for a moment before focusing back on the road. "oh my god! i'm so excited!" i clap my hands together.

"calm down, it's a little over an hour away." he chuckles.

"that's fine, i love roadtrips." i smile, quickly getting in a comfortable position. i see him bite his lip out of the corner of my eye, suppressing his laughter. he then turns up his radio slightly, playing light music as he starts the drive.


"so i'm thinking you could carry about five, i could maybe grab three, four if i'm lucky, and-"

"we can't steal the dogs." he laughs, finishing his drink as he pets one of the smaller ones that found comfort in his lap.

"but if we run fast enough-"

"you have too much faith in me, i'm not a good escapist."

"okay, then you carry the dogs, and i'll drive."

"wouldn't be the first time someone tried." the waitress jokes, chuckling as she sets the check on the table.

"oh, i got it." seungmin says, reaching into his pocket for his wallet.

"i thought i was paying this time." i pout.

"and i said we'd see about that." he laughs, handing the waitress his card.

"do i need to add any dogs to this?" the waitress jokes again, wiggling the receipt at us.

"no don't worry, i'll make sure she doesn't shove one up her shirt." seungmin sends me a wink. was that an innuendo? oh god... i let out a fake laugh, hoping i was just over thinking his words.


"i can't believe you actually tried to take a dog." seungmin shakes his head, his hand on the top of the steering wheel, other clutching his stomach as he drove us back home.

"he wanted to come home with me! you saw his face!" i pout.

"that's because you were going 'come here! come home with me!'." seungmin mocks my high pitched voice, causing me to wheeze with laughter. "dogs tend to get excited when you talk to them like that." he laughs.

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