chapter twenty-eight

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an almost perfect morning

choi soomin

i wake up with a stretch, feeling slightly cold as i shift against the warm body next to me. minho's phone was vibrating with an alarm. i groan as i reach over to turn it off, seeing the time was nine in the morning. he shifts next to me, throwing his arm back around my waist as he lets out a groan.

"minho." i call out, lifting his heavy arm back off of me.

"mm." he hums. i turn around to face him, his eyes closed peacefully as he rested his head against the pillow.

"your alarm was going off." i tell him.

"mhmm." he hums.

"you should probably get up." i giggle.

"shhh." he hushes me, rolling over to face the wall. i roll my eyes, laughing once again as i climb out of the bed myself. shivering as my naked body makes contact with the cool air of his room. i quietly pick up all of my discarded clothes, heading into his bathroom. i shut the door behind me, looking at myself in the mirror.

my neck had a small hickey on it, paired with red bruised marks on my hips from the tight grip of his hands. the sight making me think back to the way it felt, sending a shiver down my body. i smile to myself as i start to pull my stockings back over my legs. i didn't have any panties or a bra, but this was better than nothing. i just needed to make the short walk to my house.

before i could pull my skirt back up, the bathroom door opened, pulling a small shriek from my lips. i relaxed a little once minho came into view, adorning a pair of sweatpants and no shirt.

"minho!" i yell, motioning to the fact that i was busy in here. he only looks at me with sleepy eyes, letting out a yawn before he turns around, leaving the door wide open. i watch as he walks over to his closet, pulling out another pair of sweatpants and a black shirt. he then stops by his dresser and grabs a pair of boxers before heading back into the bathroom, shutting and locking the door behind him. "what are you doing?" i ask.

he doesn't reply, sitting the clothes on the counter of the sink as he walks over to me. he squats down, pulling my skirt back off, followed by my stockings. i could only watch, confused as he undressed me. he then stands back up grabbing the boxers and sweatpants. quickly back into his squatting position he urges me to step into the pair of boxers. i reluctantly do so, smiling slightly as he lifts them all the way up to my waist.

they weren't a perfect fit, so i had to hold them up as he went to hold out the sweatpants. i step into them carefully, watching as he pulls them up. he takes the strings and quickly tightens them, tying them into a small bow to make sure they'll stay on my hips. i was still too shocked to speak, the whole interaction being very domestic. finally, he takes the shirt, pulling it over my head. i push my arms through the holes, now being fully clothed in minho's clothes.

i watch in awe as he picks up my other clothes, grabbing a plastic bag from the cabinet to place them in. he ties the bag into a knot and hands it to me. finally, he reaches forward, patting my hair down on my head, finishing by tracing his thumb over my jawline. he then leans in, placing a kiss on my lips, lingering there for a few seconds before pulling away.

"now get out of here so i can shower and get to work." he finally speaks, unlocking the bathroom door and motioning for me to leave. i was getting whiplash with his actions. my mind whirling with emotions, but i was unable to voice any of them as my legs carried me out of the bathroom. and before i could speak, he shuts the door, the sound of the lock clicking following soon after.

"what?" i whisper to myself. i blink a few times, trying to make sense of the whole thing, but i couldn't. he was treating me as if we were together, but the last time i remember him mentioning us being a couple, he laughed like a crazy person. and then i remember chan's words.

"yeah, i get it. but, not to play devils advocate, minho is just a nice guy. i know you never really thought so, but he really is a nice guy. i'm saying this because i don't want it to happen to you, but a lot of people get attached to him because of it when he's really not looking for anything serious."

i remember asking him how i could tell the difference. chan telling me to just ask him, which brings me back to the dilemma i'm constantly battling. do i tell him about my feelings and risk the amazing sex? back to square one, quite literally. i groan quietly as i leave his room, feeling defeated. i was in a never ending circle. thinking minho could like me back, but remembering what chan said, and then debating if i should tell him how i feel. unfortunately i keep leaning towards not telling him, the sex was just too good to risk.

as i reached the base of the staircase, my eyes landed on soobin, passed out on the couch. i furrow my brows, wondering why he was still here.

"soobin." i call out, shaking him slightly. he furrows his brows instantly, stretching slightly before he opens his eyes.

"what time is it?" he mumbles.

"a little after nine, why are you still here?" i ask, patting down his tousled hair. 

"i was waiting for you to come back, i guess i fell asleep." he says, sitting up with a groan.

"how long did you wait?" i chuckle.

"i don't know. you said you left something, so i thought you were looking for it or something." he shrugs.

"yeah... about that... i was lying..."

"i figured. but i didn't think you'd have me drive you here in a panic just to sleep with minho." he says, slight annoyance in his tone, but i could tell he really wasn't mad.

"yeah... i'm sorry, i'll explain everything at home, come on." i place my hand on his back, helping him stand up.

"what are you wearing?" he asks, looking me up and down.

"minho's clothes."

"did he also give you a diaper?" he cocks a brow, looking down at my ass. i could only assumed the oversized boxers made my ass look rather... bulky. i roll my eyes.

"shut up." i groan, pushing him towards the door. he chuckles, sticking his tongue out at me as he opens the door, motioning for me to go first. i shoot him a glare before walking in front of him, arms crossed over my chest. only then do i hear the sound of a camera shutter. "did you just take a picture of my ass?" i ask shocked, turning around to see his phone in his hand, giggling maniacally.

"diaper ass." he laughs, showing me his phone screen. an image of my very bulky looking ass filling the screen.

"i actually hate you." i sneer.

"that's new blackmail material." he says, clutching his stomach in laughter.

"you son of a-"

"ah, ah, ah~ be nice to me or i'll send it to minho." he threatens.

"like i would care, he's the one that gave me these clothes." i say, continuing to lurch for his phone. he holds it up out of reach, our height difference being the only thing that made me question if we were really twins.

"fine, i'll send it to taehyun."

"no! soobin!" i groan, reaching desperately for his phone.

"then be nice." i let out a huff of annoyance, sending him a glare before turning around once again.

this was almost a perfect morning.

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