chapter thirteen

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it's not so easy

choi soomin

a week. it had been a week since minho kissed me. i showed no signs of giving in to his request, but he showed no signs of caring. of course, it didn't help that soobin was dragging me to the library every day to study with him. seeing minho work nonchalantly as if he's not thinking about taking me behind one of the bookshelves—

"soomin, what did you get for number five?" soobin's voice interrupts my thoughts.

"huh? thirty-seven." i reply absentmindedly, my eyes fixed on minho as he carelessly read a book behind the counter, a pair of round glasses resting on his face. i definitely wasn't thinking about them sliding down the bridge of his nose as he—

"we're not even doing math homework." soobin flicks my forehead, causing me to break my staring streak. "wow, i thought you'd never look away." soobin chuckles.

"don't start." i roll my eyes.

"why don't you just talk to him?" he asks.

"this conversation seems vaguely familiar." i snort.

"i just don't get why you opt to day dream about him when you could talk to him." soobin shrugs.

"he's sexier when he's not talking. the second he opens his mouth he gets all arrogant. huge turn off." i groan.

"i thought you liked confident guys."

"confident. not arrogant. that's why i like taehyun-"

"no." soobin deadpans.

"i can't believe you think minho is a better option than taehyun." i scoff.

"i can't believe you don't think that. taehyun is a fantastic friend, but that's about it." soobin shakes his head.

"minho is an ass. unfortunately a very sexy ass. looking at him is easier." i sigh, allowing my gaze to travel back to him, just in time to see him swipe his finger across his tongue to flip the page. fuck.

"i think you're being a wuss."

"me? when's the last time you talked to yeonjun?" i retort.

"that's not the point." soobin points a threatening finger at me. "look, just go get laid, and move on. that's what you want, right?"

"yes. but, it's what he wants."

"i... i'm failing to see how that's a bad thing..." soobin trails off.

"i can't just give him what he wants. why should he win?"

"wouldn't you... both be winning? cause it's what you both want?" he furrows his eyebrows, clearly not getting the picture.

"if he wants me, he can come to me." i shrug.

"well... based off of this week, i don't think that's going to work in your favor. i think you should make the first move." i roll my eyes at him.

"i'm doing fine. i'm playing the long game."

"you're imagining being fucked by him while he reads a book about dragons." soobin remarks, gesturing to the calm boy, leaning over the counter, eyes dancing over each page. "i think you're the only one playing this game." he adds.

"he'll come around." i say, trying to convince myself more than i was trying to convince soobin.

"he's older than us, he's not going to chase you around."

"only by three years." i retort.

"you mature a lot in three years."

"you're supposed to be on my side!" i whine, pouting at him.

"i am! i'm trying to get you laid so we can actually study! when's the last time you even paid attention in class?"


"exactly, you can't be the smarter twin if you're not even trying." he teases, knowing our usual bickering about who was the smarter twin. i sigh. "talk to him. changbin says he's not a bad guy." i scoff at that.

"he acts like one."

"have you given him a chance not to? i mean, you thought he was in a relationship, and then you thought he kissed my girlfriend-"

"he did kiss your girlfriend." i clarify.

"yes, but it was for the best— my point is, you've only seen him as a cheating jerk, and that's how you've treated him. you haven't given him much room to prove otherwise." soobin speaks expertly, i frown as his words start to make sense.

"that doesn't account for all the horrendous teasing he does." i say, trying to convince myself that i wasn't entirely in the wrong.

"don't act like you don't like that." soobin rolls his eyes, a light blush coats my cheeks.

"still. he's too arrogant." i shake my head, honestly defeated, but still not willing to give in.

"so use that to your advantage. sometimes the bad guys are the best in bed." he smirks, elbowing me lightly.

"you're a bad influence." i chuckle.

"like i said. the bad guys are the best in bed."

"gross!" i grimace, punching him on the shoulder. he chuckles as he scoots his chair away from mine.

"now, either study, or go talk to him. i'm tired of watching you stare." he says, picking his pencil back up and waving it at me. i roll my eyes, crossing my arms over my chest as i look at the materiel in front of me. i truly wanted to focus on it, but knowing that minho was just a glance away was making that difficult.

ever since the kiss, i had craved more. hell, i had craved more from the moment i laid eyes on him. the long game was killing me, and i was making it obvious. if minho was struggling, he wasn't letting on in the slightest. it was frustrating, seeing him doing okay when all i wanted was to see him struggling like me.

with one final huff, i start packing my things away, soobin nodding at me before going back to his studies. but much to his surprise, and hopefully minho's, i walk out of the library. not forgetting to make my presence known to a seemingly distracted minho by walking passed the counter, looking at him out of the corner of my eye. thankfully, he looked up, and locked his gaze with mine for only a moment before i was out the door.

i just hoped it was enough to at least peak his curiosity. anything. the way he kissed me, there was just no way this was one sided.

part of me was disappointed when i glanced over my shoulder, seeing that minho didn't make an effort to follow me out, but i couldn't be surprised. soobin was right. maybe the three years he had on us really did make him more mature. maybe he believed that if i really did want him, i would tell him. he made it clear what he wanted me to do before we did anything, yet i have only given him the silent treatment.

"fuck..." i groan, slapping my palm to my forehead in frustration. "fuck it." i turn around, walking back into the library with newfound confidence, and a plan.

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