chapter four

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how can i face him

choi soomin

i groggily open my eyes, head slightly aching as i struggle to focus on anything around me. i quickly realize i was still in chan's room, and that it was sometime in the middle of the night. recalling how i had downed a few more beers before the two of us passed out. chan was sprawled across the floor, mouth hung open as light snores escaped his lips.

i slowly sit up, not wanting to become dizzy. my eyes focusing on his bedroom door, slightly cracked open, and a dim light flashing through the crack. it seemed as if a t.v was on. i carefully step off the bed, stepping over sprawled out chan as i push open his door. the light was coming from the room slightly across from chan's, a room i could only assume to be minho's, his door being slightly cracked open as well.

the house was quiet, and as i looked down the hall towards the staircase that lead to where we had been studying, it was dark. i quietly sigh, tip-toeing through the hall, reaching the top of the staircase. i grab onto the railing, attempting to focus on the darkness of the lower floor as i descended the stairs. thankfully, i reached the bottom without any issue, hands reaching out for guidance as i make my way through the dark, searching for the table we were studying at.

thankfully, it wasn't too hard to find, and as my eyes slowly adjusted, i was able to see all of my study things in the exact spot as i left them. i quickly close everything up, quietly sliding everything into my backpack. pulling the zipper painfully slow as to make as little sound as possible. finally, i throw the straps around my arms, grabbing my phone from the desk, checking my notifications. i had a goodnight text from soobin, as well as a few additional notifications from various social medias.

"soomin, right?" i nearly throw my phone towards the source of the voice, but opt to throw my hand over my mouth to muffle the scream that almost ripped from my throat instead. "sorry, i didn't mean to scare you." minho apologizes, holding his hands up defensively. i remove my hand from my mouth, placing it over my heart as i attempt to calm myself down. not only had he scared the absolute shit out of me, but lee minho was talking to me, and looking at me, with his perfect face.

"i-it's fine... and yeah... it's soomin." i nod, voice coming out slightly weak from having just woke up.

"i'm minho." he introduces himself plainly.

"i know." i respond a little too quickly. the boy furrowing his perfect eyebrows for a moment.

"right... um... what are you doing?" he questions.

"i'm just leaving." i tell him, poking the strap of my backpack to show him i had packed everything.

"at three in the morning? and aren't you drunk?" he questions.

"i'm mostly sober now... and i don't live that far." god he was so sexy, i could hardly focus on what he was saying to me. the way his lips moved as he spoke, along with his deep, smooth voice.

"did you hear me?" he raises his voice slightly. fuck, stop embarrassing yourself.

"uh... sorry..." i trail off, unsure of how to answer that, because i, in fact, did not hear him.

"hang on, i'll drive you home." he says, turning around and walking over to the coffee table. shortly after i hear the sound of keys jingling. the thought of being in a car alone with him in the middle of the night did something to me. the image of foggy windows and a rocking car filled my brain.

"that's um... that's okay, really." i deny his offer. as appealing as the image was, he was taken. and it would be inappropriate for me to be in a situation with him like that, even if nothing happens.

"you're clearly still really drunk. chan would be pissed if i just let you pass out on the street somewhere." minho rejects my rejection, already walking to the front door and sliding on shoes. right, he was doing this for chan. "come on." he waves me over, my legs obeying him before my brain could even understand the words he said. i quickly slide on my shoes and follow him out the door.

the cold air hits my skin, immediately making me shiver as i follow him down the driveway to a dark red car. i walk over to the passenger side, pulling open the door as he unlocks the car. i carefully slip my backpack off, placing it gently in the floorboard between my legs as i sit. minho climbs in shortly after, quickly placing his keys in the ignition. i wrap my hands around my arms, still shivering slightly from the cold. minho turns on the heat, reaching over without saying a word to turn on my seat heater.

"where do you live?" he asks, but the words didn't properly register in my brain as i felt like melting over the sweet gesture.

"hm?" i hum in response, biting back a goofy love-crazed smile.

"where do you live?" he repeats, voice showing no signs of irritation.

"oh, you just turn left out of your driveway, drive about two miles down, and my house is on that corner." i explain, my words slurring slightly, leading me to believe i was still quite drunk. minho only nods, putting the car into reverse before skillfully backing out of the driveway. fuck, he just gets sexier by the minute. i felt another shiver run through my body, only this time, it wasn't due to the cold. minho cranks up the heat slightly, eyes staying focused as he drove down the road.

"you should have brought a jacket." he states, pointing an extra vent in my direction. i obviously couldn't tell him that i was no longer shivering due to the cold, but instead, the thought of his veiny hands holding down my thighs as he devoured me with his full lips and hot tongue.

"i'm sorry for sitting on your hat." i blurt out in attempt to distract myself from my lewd thoughts.

"it's fine." he shrugs.

"you looked so weirded out by it..." i trail off, remembering the embarrassment running through my body based off of his reaction.

"no, not that you were sitting on my hat. i just felt like i interrupted something with you and chan." he awkwardly clears his throat.

"what do you mean?" i ask.

"nothing. are you warm now?" he changes the subject.

"y-yeah..." he nods, reaching forward to lower the heat.

"is it this house?" he questions, pointing to my house. part of me wanted to tell him no, wanting to extend the car ride with him, but i knew i couldn't.

"yeah." i nod, frowning slightly as he pulled into the driveway, putting the car in park.

"have a good night." he says, offering me a small smile.

"thank you for driving me home." i couldn't help but smile back, quickly getting lost in his eyes, and the way that the dim streetlights looked like stars in his dark brown eyes.

"no problem." he shrugs. and i don't know what came over me, but before i could stop myself, i leaned forward and pressed my lips against his cheek. luckily the feeling of his smooth skin against my lips snapped me back to reality, and i quickly pulled away. placing my fingers over my lips in shock.

"i-i'm so sorry... i..." i shake my head, blinking rapidly. minho looked at me with raised eyebrows, lips barely parted, but he didn't say anything. "s-sorry..." i repeat, quickly pulling my seatbelt off and pushing open the door. i didn't spare another glance as i practically ran into the house, shutting and locking the door as i lean back against it with a sigh. "why the fuck did you do that..." i scold myself, slapping my palm against my forehead. i relax a little as i hear his car pull away, but the feeling doesn't last very long.

"fuck! my backpack!" i groan, slapping my forehead once more as i slide down to the floor in utter dismay.

tension // lee minhoWhere stories live. Discover now